Chapter 5: Stars

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Anthony took the bandana off of Ian's eyes to reveal a picnic. Yes, it's December and all, but Anthony's mind just went 'What the hell?'.  Besides, it hasn't snowed, it's just cold. It's also an excuse for Anthony to wrap his arms around Ian to keep him warm. To Anthony's luck, Ian loves the idea and, and in a way of saying 'thank you' without words, he kisses him. Softly and sweetly. Anthony smiles and they both sit down on the blanket.  It's about 4:38 at this point. Anthony grabs food from his bag. Sandwiches, strawberries, and even hot chocolate (not in mugs of course). "I'm no cook, but I tried," Anthony says, smiling. "i'm sure it'll taste great," Ian replies, smiling as well. Ian takes a bite of his sandwich. Surprisingly, it tastes amazing! So, Ian says so. 


"Wow...." Anthony says. I raise an eyebrow at him, questionably. "Wow?" "I just realized something," Anthony half-answers before taking a bite of his sandwich. "What is it?" I ask, moving a tiny bit closer to him and eating a strawberry. "This may was the best year and most fucked up year of my life," He replies. "I mean...the whole thing know who-" "Voldemort?" I ask, giggling a bit. Anthony smiles "No. You know who I mean. I just refuse to say her name today. Anyways, it's also the best...because of you," Anthony says sincerely while I blush. He's so sweet. I move closer to him so our thighs are almost touching. Anthony wraps his arm around my shoulders, which warms me up. Even though it's sunny out, it's still cold. "I can say the same thing to you," I reply, kissing his cheek. 


I check my watch. It's 6:34. Have we really been out here that long? Time flies. Not literally. That would be weird to see a clock just kind of chilling in the sky. Okay, do not picture that in your mind. Anyways, since it's December and the days are getting (what people call) shorter (not really but there is less sunlight), the stars are already out. It's absolutely gorgeous. The moon is shining bright. It's actually a half moon tonight.  


I grab another blanket that I had packed in the bag and wrapped it around Ian and I. We both lay down on the blanket (the one that was already on the ground). Ian looks up at the sky, but my eyes are fixed on him. The moonlight is hitting his blue eyes, making them even more beautiful. I didn't even know that was possible. The light breeze is blowing his light brown hair to the side. A small smile creeps up my face. "It's beautiful...isn't it?" Ian says, breaking the small silence between us. "Definitely," I reply. Ian looks over at me and laughs a little bit. "Are you even looking at the sky?" He asks. "Nope," I answer him, smiling wider. "Hm?" Ian hums. I don't think he's catching on. After a few moments, he still doesn't get it. I sigh. "It's you, you dummy," I help him out.  "Ohhh....that's cute," Ian smiles as well and then nuzzles my nose cutely. All I said was true though. As cheesy as it sounds, not the brightest star shines as bright as Ian. Some people may say "It's just a high school romance. It'll be over soon." But, they don't understand. They don't understand what we've been through together. They don't know what it's find someone you care about so much. Someone that you didn't think you needed in your life until you meet them. Someone you didn't realize you needed in your life until they leave. Someone like Ian. Ian Andrew Hecox. It's funny how our story began..huh? First we were partners for a stupid school project. Then I was his bully for five years....but I wish I could take that back. I wish I didn't cause him so much pain.... Anyways, then we were friends. Then we had crushes on eachother. After that, we fell in love. Love is kinda funny, right? They put butterflies in your stomach, whilst making it churn at the same time. They basically are the only thing on your mind. But the thing is, it's one of the nicest feelings there is. I would've never thought of any of this stuff about a year ago. But, you know what? It's because of Ian. I've changed for the better. It's all because of one great guy...named Ian Hecox.


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