Chapter 20: The "Morning" After

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The next morning (well, more like before noon), Anthony woke up with a pounding in his head. Ian was already out of bed (as usual). He groans in annoyance with himself at how much he drunk last night. Ian heard him from the living room but didn't do anything. "Why the fuck did I think it would be a good idea to drink so much...." Anthony thought, dragging himself out of bed. He walks out of their room and to the living room. "Morning," Anthony softly smiles at him. "Hi," Ian says plainly, scrolling through channels on T.V.  Anthony, doesn't think anything of how Ian is acting. But anyone else that doesn't have a hangover would be able to tell that Ian is still pissed. Anthony goes to the cabinets to try and find Advil or something that works just like it. "So what exactly happened last night?" Anthony asks Ian. "You got drunk off your ass and fainted. I drove you home. What else is there to say?" Ian answers, still in the same plain voice. At this point, Anthony could tell that Ian was "slightly" annoyed. But still, didn't think much of it.  "Thanks Ian," Anthony kisses his cheek. "Please don't kiss me until you take a wreak of alcohol," Ian says, even more annoyed. "Sorry..." Anthony tries to apologize. "You do realize I'm still pissed at you." "Wait...what?" Anthony asks, confused. "I had to keep you under control almost the whole night! Not to mention I drove your drunk ass home. I tried stopping you when you were getting tipsy...but you just brushed me off your shoulder! I assumed that you could stop yourself but noooo. You ended up passing out on a table!"


Anthony woke up with a start. Ian had to step on the brakes quickly due to someone cutting him off. "Dammit," Ian mumbled to himself. "Heeyy. Why are we not at the parttyyy?" Anthony manages to slur. "Because you were drinking too much," Ian mumbles, but Anthony still managed to hear him.  "Go baack or I'm gonna sllaap youu!" He yells. "Anthony...we have to go back home." "Fuck that! We goo back orr I knock youu unconscious and I drive us back!" By the tone of Anthony's voice, you could tell he was being completely serious. Even though Ian was completely terrified, he kept driving. "I'm driving to the party! How about you just take a nice nap?" Ian asks, hoping it will work. "Okay..."


"I was scared...fuck that! I was terrified, Anthony! You know my parents were alcoholics! You know how I feel about alcohol! And you threatened to beat me!" Ian yells. Anthony can't think of a single word to say. He tried apologizing already and that didn't work out. Despite this, he still says "Look Ian...I'm really sor-" "Don't tell me you're sorry. It won't make any of this better." Then sudden realization of what he just did washed over Ian's face. Ian sighs and massages the bridge of his own nose. "Sorry for blowing up like that.....really. I don't know what came over me....It just kind of...happened," Ian apologizes. "I didn't know that I scared you that much.....if anything, I should be the one apologizing and you're right." "About what?" "I should have stopped myself and I do wreak of alcohol," Anthony chuckles a little bit. Ian cracks a small smile at this. Anthony continues to smile due to Ian smiling. It was just nice to see him slightly less pissed at Anthony. " about I go take a shower and both of us can think this over...?" Anthony suggests. "Alright," Ian replies.


Anthony sits down on the couch where Ian has been this entire time. " should probably talk about it now..." "You're right," Ian says. "Well.... First off...I've said it twice and I'm gonna say it again...I'm really sorry...I shouldn't have had that much to drink last night. Second of all, I would never beat you. Sober or not. Third of all, I feel awful about all this and I promise not to get drunk...or drink in front of you again." " don't have to just stop all together. You can drink without getting drunk...that's fine.." "No. I refuse to drink in front of you. After what happened last night...I think it's the only way I can repay you. Not to mention it'll make you happy. Don't deny it." "Are you sure about this?" "Positive," Anthony nods. "Thank you," Ian replies, hugging Anthony.  Anthony wraps his arms around Ian as well. "Wait...can I kiss you now? Or are you too mad at me still?" He asks. Before Ian presses his lips against Anthony's, he says "I can't stay mad at you forever..."


What I wanted to call the chapter: IAN HAS A SHORT TEMPER. GET IT? BECAUSE HE'S SHORT.....I'll stop talking now.

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