Chapter 1

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I used to live in a city just outside of New York... Everyone was horrible there, except my friends of course. Even past boyfriends put me down so that I didn't want another one... My mom finally quit her job and we moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was so... so.. country there.. At first we couldn't see anyone... I swore it was a ghost town. I wanted to get out of the car and look around. My dad and I came earlier this week and moved our stuff into a "nice looking neighborhood", but I could tell we were on the wrong side of the tracks.

When we got to our new house, I jumped out of the car and was immediately off to look about. "I think I'll go look around!" I yelled loud enough for my parents to hear.

My mom wasn't mean or abusive or anything.. she just didn't really care.. she trusted me and I trusted her... and i'm cool with that.. My dad was a work-a-holic and just wanted me to play sports.. but was pretty supportive.. typical dad right?.. I have sisters but two are in college and then theres the younger one, she dances thats about it..

I headed about two blocks away and found an empty lot. There were trees around it and a camp with a couch in one of the corners.. I didn't really think to much about it.. The trees were big and full and smelled like the forest at my cousins. It was getting late and gosh was the sky pretty. I climbed a tree to get a closer look. There was a dark skyline of buildings and trees that swept a crossed the ground like a border on a picture. Reds, oranges, yellows, and pinks danced a crossed the sky with a bright gold sun in the middle. The clouds looked like fluffy, silver paint strokes. Gorgeous. I already missed my friends back home. I thought about how my friend Zander would climb the tree with me and he would make fun of the way I climbed after him. My name is Beth and I'm not graceful at all, what so ever.. never ever. My bestfriend Kara would stand at the bottom telling us to get down because Zander could never sit still and would probably knock me out of the tree... My other friend Jess would be trying to climb the tree but epically fai and land on her butt, laughing uncontrollably.. Thats just how they are and I love all of them..

I broke off my daydream when bad memories of "home" came up. I got down from the tree and walked farther into the woods. I'm not directionally challenged like my dad so why not?

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