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After dodging hordes of undead monsters, the small group managed to make it to a small abandoned home.

It was a quaint little house, it was brown on the outside, with blue shutters, and a green roof. The exterior paint was peeling, and weeds were strewn about the unkempt lawn.

"I need water," Sam choked, five minutes after they had helped him to a couch. He stared at his bloodsoaked, bandaged leg, with a blank expression.

"Not now." Leslie murmured. Her nose wrinkled at the musty smell of the house.


"You'll survive without it for now!" Leslie snapped -sounding angrier than intended.

Sam remained silent, except for occasional moans of pain.

"When can I go home?" Johnny whimpered. Tears welled up in his eyes once again.

"I don't know, honey." Kate said solemnly. She hugged the boy, and stroked his hair.
Johnny snuggled up against her, while letting a tear slide down his face.

"Leslie," Sam whimpered, unable to get off the couch due to his injured leg.

"What?" Leslie sighed. She folded her lightly tanned arms over her chest.

Don't cover your boobs, they're hella hot. Sam thought to himself.
"I really n-need water, and my leg hurts." He whined.

"Stop being a baby."

"Someone's gotta change the bandage eventually, and do you want me to die of dehydration?"

"Fine! I'll do it.. The bandage part. We'll have to find a store or something for water... Everyone else search the house for supplies!"

Everyone complied without hesitation, leaving Sam and Leslie alone.

Leslie knelt next to the couch, and peeled off Sam's bandages. Her touch on his thigh, sent shivers up his spine. He suddenly became aware of his developing erection, with embarrassment.

Leslie scoffed slightly, with a quiet chuckle.
"I need to find something to replace the bandages,"

"Okay," Sam mumbled, his throat went dry. Realizing his attraction to Leslie, he couldn't help but stare at her behind, while she searched the room.

Leslie seemed to feel his gaze on her, and felt her cheeks heating up-they turned a shade of crimson.
She grabbed a discarded t-shirt, and a roll of duct tape from a cupboard.

"This ought to help," Leslie said, her voice slightly strained.

"Thank you."

Leslie nodded, feigning a smile. She knelt next to him again, and began wrapping the shirt around his upper thigh, trying to ignore the obvious bulge in his pants.
Sam's hazel and slightly green, eyes were trained on her hand.

Just as Leslie was actually considering attempting to jerk him off through his pants, Joelle and Wayne came back into the small living room-with arm-fuls of different items.

"Alright, we got some blankets, flashlights, and one water bottle." Wayne stated.

"Only one?" Leslie sighed. She stood up and pursed her lips, whilst studying Wayne. Her brow creased in concern.

"Yep," Joelle murmured. "I say we split it between Kate, Sam, and Johnny. They need it the most."

"This might make me sound heartless," Leslie said hesitantly. "But we should split it between the people capable of fighting the zombies... Or whatever they are... Anyway, we need to stay healthy."

"True.." Joelle sucked her teeth. "But that seems kinda cruel.."

"Think about it; none of them can fight. Johnny is only six, Sam can't even walk on his own, and Kate's heavily pregnant."

Joelle let out a long sigh.
"As much as I want to agree... I don't."

"We'll split it up between us healthy people, then first thing in the morning tomorrow we'll go find food and water for the others.... How about that?"

Joelle clicked her tongue, let out a sigh of disapproval.
"Fine.... B-but we gotta give some to Johnny, he's just a kid!"

Leslie shook her head.

"That's a little cold, don't ya think?" Wayne was obviously sided with Joelle.

"Why can't we jus' try and split it between all of us?" Sam asked, raising one eyebrow.
"Six people... We all should get a couple swallows.. Unless any of y'all are greedy."

"I don't know, you guys figure it out." Leslie snapped, feeling flustered. She stepped out of the living room, and into the kitchen.

She slammed her fist down against the dusty countertop. Her other hand pinched the bridge of her nose, while she closed her eyes.
Calm down, Leslie. Don't get frustrated so easily.

She had always been short-tempered. Snapping at people for seemingly little things, was not new to her.

"Are you okay?" Johnny came shuffling in from the living room. He tilted his head, causing his mop of blonde hair to fall in his face slightly.

"Y-yeah," Leslie murmured, not looking at him. "I'm fine."

Johnny wrapped his arms around her for a moment, before running back into the living room.

"That child is an angel." Leslie whispered to herself.


Later that night, long after the sun had set, Leslie awoke with a start. She shot up like a bullet, from her 'bed' on the floor. She was drenched in sweat, and her hands shook.

She then noticed she was crying.

"Leslie?" Joelle's velvety voice cut through the darkness.

"Yeah?" Leslie sniffled, wiping away a few stray tears.

"Are you crying?"

Leslie sucked in a ragged breath.

"Don't lie to me, what's wrong?"

"I.. I just had a bad dream, that's all."

"Do you want to talk about it?"



"Someone help me, please!" A male voice could be heard outside, he sounded frightened and in pain....

---Author's Note---

Thanks for 300 reads! ❤


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