Chapter 8;

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Charlottes POV

          It was 11pm, when the boys brought back the girls... finally. The girls were okay I suppose. Libby, the pixie girl was my favourite, but I hadn't really gotten to know them yet. She seemed shy and sweet, but when she spoke, she was always making me laugh. Then there's Sophie, she had long blond curly hair and sparkling blue eyes. I was immediately jealous of her looks, and I would never thought I'd like her from the start. She didn't cry when she got her place, but it turns out she wasn't a huge fan of Justin himself, but she loved to dance and this was a big break for her. A girl with strait black hair brushing her shoulders was Natalie. She seemed sweet with her big brown eyes, but also quite quiet. She already seemed best friends with Olivia. They had only just met, but they linked arms and stuff like that. Olivia had brown wavy hair and light eyes. I didn't have much chance to talk to Olivia and Natalie as much, but they both seemed like nice girls. 

          Justin had persuaded his mum, Pattie, to let us all stay up to watch this horror film that him and Ryan were buzzing to watch. I was terrified. Justin sat on the end of the sofa on my left, Hannah on my right, squeezed in between me and Ryan. On the floor Natalie and Olivia sat together clinging on to each other, while Sophie sat cross legged, chin high, and on her cell. Libby on the other hand sat on an arm chair smiling at nothing in particular. Already out of the four, she was my favourite. 

          BOOM. Some freaky possessed girl popped up on the screen. I screamed so loud, Justin jumped on me to hold my mouth shut so I didn't wake the whole hotel. I hid my face in his chest, and he laughed at me. I didn't care if it was stalkerish, but he smelled so lovely. Here I was, clinging onto Justin Bieber, and he smelled lovely. It made me feel a little less scared, but I don't think I was capable of letting go. When it was over, I was shaking so much due to the loud noises and things that popped up on the screen. I looked over at Hannah and she too was holding on to Ryan for her life. 

          "Never- Am- I- Watching- A- Horror- Again" I gasped. Justin laughed at me, and hugged me so I was pressed up closer to him. Inside my fangirl side was literally crying and screaming, but I didn't want to be a total creep, so I just enjoyed the closeness and warmth radiating from him. I swear I saw him wink at Ryan. Was this what they wanted? Two girls grabbing on to them for dear life?

          When the boys left, the girls ended up sleeping in mine and Hannah's bedroom. We were all too scared to be on our own, so we moved their blankets into ours and scattered ourselves on the beds and the floor. We all sat up for a while, chatting about how good looking the boys were, and other gosip like Sophie's boyfriend back home, but eventually we got less and less scared and a couple girls fell fast asleep.

          Just as the rest of us stared to relax, and  begin to get sleepy, loud bangs on our door woke us. Confused, we clung on to each other, and stayed silent. Not one of us having the guts to answer it ourselves. The door flung open, and 2 figures were dressed in black cloaks ran at us, which made the girls run into a corner, crying and screaming. Myself, I jumped on Hannah and we both screamed the place down, frightened and more than anything wanting my dad here. Then the figures burst out laughing and took their cloaks off. 

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