Imani pov Run fast from my day job Runnin' fast from the way it was Jump quick to a pay check Runnin' back to the strip club I'm never going back, never going back No you can't make me Never going back, never going back (nah) They never take me (yeah) I've paid enough of petty dues I've had enough of shitty news I've had a thing for dirty shoes since I was 10 Love dirty men alike - I shut off my alarm to get ready for school at Eastwood High. To be honest, i hate that school. Everyone always has something to say, especially these two boys...Miles and Aaron, they stay bullying me for no reason. Man i hate them. But even tho my social life isnt all that great, i have the bestest friend in the world named Babi(baby). I love her so much and we been together since diapers. But enough about me im gonna shower and get dressed for school in this
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"Imani! Make sure u walk cookie before you leave this house for school" my mom yelled from downstairs. Yes,my dogs name is cookie. "Already on it ma." i said walking downstairs grabbing the leash for cookie. I hooked him onto the leash and walked out the door. I never told my mom about the bullying or the depression. How can i tell the woman who gave me life that i dont even want it sometimes but theres always a bright side i i keep my head high. After I gave my dog a short walk,i took her back in. "I'll see you later ma, i love you" i said as i kissed her cheek and grabbed my jansport back pack. "Alright behave yourself baby" she said as she sipped her coffee And with that i walked to the bus stop up the street and i was greeted by my bestfriend Babi. "Hey sissy" she said smiling, hugging me excited to see me. "Hey babes, you lookin cute" i said examining her outfit.
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"You know how i do" Babi says posing, feeling herself. "Im so not ready for today" i said rolling my eyes "Whatchu mean" Babi said "I have a headache, and i dont wanna deal with miles and his crap today" i said annoyed "Girl, i feel you but dont let that dude get u messed up." She says ______________________________________ I arrived at my locker to get my books. I studied all night for this huge math test. I grabbed all the things i needed and began walking through the flooded hallways. I was perfectly fine untill i was pushed against the wall. I looked up to see who it was who pushed me and it was none other than Mr.Popular himself, Miles Gordon. "DANG! WATCH WHERE YOU GOING LUL THOT!" He yelled earning laughs from others in the hallway standing by his messy girlfriend, Jada by his side. (Jada)
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"I wouldn't have to if you stayed out my way" i mumbled under my breath getting myself together. "What was that little girl?!" Jada said pushing me back down. I just wanna pop her in her mouth so bad but i dont have the guts to. "Youre so worthless" Miles says stepping over me. I started tearing up a little. I can usually put up with it but today wasnt my day. They walked away to get to their class. But me and miles have the same 1st period together which is sad. I walked into my math class and sat in my usual seat in the back. Miles pov I know yall mad at how i treat Imani but its only cuz i like her but i will never let her know that and i also do it to hide my feelings. She lowkey fine but she wont want me. I walked in class and sat next to her only to get on her nerves. "Ok class your tests are already on your desks so you may begin" Ms. James said sitting down at her desk. I started my test and i finished in like 20 minutes and yes, i rushed thru it. I was getting bored so i picked up a balled up piece of paper off the floor and threw it in her natural curly hair. She got it out her hair and looked at me and i just winked at her as she rolled her eyes. She wasnt irritated enough so i kicked her chair once....twice.....three times......four times.... "Can you please stop im asking u nicely" she said. "Nahh im good" i said Before i knew it class was over and the bell rung. Amber pov "I just dont know why he does it Babe" i explained as we were walking to French class. "He probably likes you and does it to hide his feelings. Some boys do that ya know." She said as we turned the corner. "That dumb i mean I know I'm fine but he looks at me with total hate and disgust. That boy does not want me at all." I said "I think its true"Babi said "Whatever Babi i cant stand you" i chuckled. "You love me Imani" she said opening the door to our French class. ______________________________________ I sat down at my usual lunch table with Babi and we having a normal conversation mainly gossiping. " Girl, did you know that Jada is with Miles but messing with Darius too" she said as she bit into her pizza. "Yea i kinda figured. Shes all up on him when Miles isnt here." I said "Thats a shame. Ughhh this pizza is nasty." She made a stank face. " I told you that food is not for human consumption."i chuckled We continued to talk about other stuff also. "Oh look who we have here....if it isnt the little dork and her side kick" Miles said coming outta no where. "Why do you contonue to harass me i did nothing to you" i said not giving him eye contact. "Say sum smart again i will pop u right in yo jaw lil boy" Babi said standing up. "Aye Aaron, handle my lightwork" he called to Aaron. "Wassup witchu" Aaron said to Babi. Babi pushed Aaron and punched Miles in the stomache. "Dang Babi"Miles groaned and shortly left us alone. "Thanks babe"i said thanking her "Your welcome. Im just tired of them messing with you, you needa stand up for yourself." Babi said irritated "I wish i could but im too shy" i said bluntly "U need to change that Imani. You cant be like this all the time and let ppl walk all over you" she said "Im working on that." I said. "Good" she stated ______________________________________ Miles pov I was in my last class of the day and all i could think about was Imani. She is so beautiful, smart, and shes different. All the girls in this school are all ratchet and thotty and i want sum real. I know it doesnt look like i like her but i just have a weird way if showing it. Growing up without my dad was hard and having a mom who is a crackhead doesnt make it any easier so i guess you can say i dont know how to love. I shook my thoughts outta my head and continued working on my project. Random thoughts hit me again...... Even if i did tell her how i feel, she wouldnt accept me cuz i put her through so much pain. I messed up big time. ______________________________________ I was back at my house greeted by my mom sniffing coke once again. This is why i cant have nobody over this house. I hate being here myself. My phone rang. Phone convo "Hello" i spoke "Aye bro, you trynna light up? My parents arent home" jason said "Yeah im coming" i said "Ard" he said With that i hung up. I needed a blunt especially with all this on my mind.