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Amber pov
Miles👅    Can we talk    7:14

I was confused as to why this kid wants to text me. He has been nothing but abusive and fake towards me. I was contemplating on whether or not to respond. I did
Me     About what Miles, im done with you.🙄    7:17pm

Miles👅     Just let me explain.     7:18 pm

Me    Explain what Miles. How can you push me around and call me names then one day kiss me and go back to pushing me around.        7:19 pm

Miles👅        Look im sorry ok       7:19 pm

Me      Whatever Miles.    7:20 pm
I turned my phone all the way off and went to bed. Miles must think im crazy if he think im about to take his bullshit for another day. Im officially done with him. I cant believe i like this dude. I hope my feelings for him change cuz im waising my time.
I was in french class i was talking to Aaron. Who knew we would become such good friends. I trust him so i told him about the whole Miles situation."He really did that?"Aaron questioned"Yea and then he tried to apologize like, wtf" i rolled my eyes"Wow." He sighed"He such an asshole" i said getting irritated"Well, thats Miles for you"The bell rang and class was over. I was called down to the office."You wanted to see me Ms. Jackson?" I said as i walked to her desk. There was a tall brownskin with a nice fade. He smiled at me and i noticed his dimples and his bright white teeth. He was georgous."Yes we have a new student here and you guys have all the same classes sooo you are gonna be his guide for today. Show him his locker and here is your pass.""Ok then." I turned my attention towards the boy. "Im Imani." I introduced"Im Bryshere" he smiled once again."Follow me" i instructed showed him around the entire school and he was quite the guy. He was goofy and flirty and on top of that he is such a sweet heart. We were talking about random things and all that."And lastly here is the cafeteria" i said pointing to the cafeteria door."Cool, this school is huge, i might need you for a few days." He said looking at me"Sure np" i said making eye contact."So where you from" he questioned"Im from Texas but moved here when i was around 12" i stated"Im from Texas also. Nice to have someone i have a lot in common with" he said"Yeah,well art is right around the corner" i started to walk and he followed."Lead the way babygirl." He motioned me making me giggle I was a little on edge of going inside cuz art was ANOTHER class i had with Miles and i really dont want him to embarrass me in front of Bryshere. We walked in class and started on the assignment. We sat next to each other and talked and made jokes. I kinda like this kid.
Miles pov
I was coolan with my boy Chazuntil i saw Imani talking to some new kid. He was making her laugh and smile and i got jealous. What is she doing with that dude. My blood began to boil as ol' dud whispered something in her ear as she laughed. I was beyond mad."Miles can you pass around the blue paint for me please?" My art teacher asked"Yeah"
Amber pov
I was finishing up the final sketch and and i waited for the blue paint to come around."You gotta boyfriend?" I was taken back from his question."Huh?" I said even tho i heard him crystal clear"I just asked if you had a boyfriend" he said as he finished his drawing."Nahh the boys here mainly go for the thick girls and thots." I said nonchantly"Fr, i would most definately cuff you tho." He winked at me"Boy please i just met you." I said jokingly"I know but still. Your pretty down to earth and funny," he confessed"Well-" i was cut off by paint getting all on my shirt on pupose by Miles."Sorry babe" Miles said"Why would you do that!" I screamed. This was the first time i stood up to him."Babe it was an accident" i hated the way he thought everything was funny and the way he fake flirted with me got on my nerves."Aye man yeen have to do all that." Bryshere stood up"We just playin thats all right baby." Lucas put his arm around me but i pushed him off and ran to the bathroom."What the hell is wrong with you,man?" Bryshere said"Stay away from my girl" Miles demanded"Yo girl? She aint say nothin about chu." Bryshere said.
I was in the bathroom right across the hall. I looked in the mirror and looked at my now ruined shirt. I eyes watered. Everytime i find the slightest bit of joy Lucas just has to take it away.I heard footsteps and a voice"Imani? Babe u in here?" Bryshere said"Yea" i sniffed and wiped a tear that had fallen.He walked in the girls bathroom."What are you doing here your gonna get suspended on your first day here." I explained"I'll be ok. Here wear this." He gestured giving me his hoodie from his body. As he took it off his shirt came up and i peeked at his abs."Thank you" i thanked himHe stared in my eyes and i stared right back at him then he smiled at me."C'mon lets go back to class" he suggested."K" i walked out first then made sure no one was in the halls so he could come out.As the day went on i continued to give Bryshere a tour around school and making him feel comfortable.
Skips to the end of the day
.I was at my locker getting all my books out preparing to tutor Lucas today. I honestly didnt wanna see his face again. I felt someones hands on my eyes blocking my vision. I knew it was Bryshere."Guess who." He said in a deep sexy voice"Bryshere duhh." I said in a tone
He uncovered my eyes and stood in front of me."I want your number, i like you." He said simply.We exchanced numbers."Soooo can i take you out sometime?" He asked.
Miles pov
I was listening in on their whole conversation by my locker. My blood started to boil. (Short pov😂)
Imani pov
"Yea-" i got cut off from miles grabbing my waist from behind and kissing my neck. Im not gonna lie it felt good. I pushed him off"Why you acting like that babe?" He asked like he thought it was funny"Miles we do not date! So stop calling me babe" i exclaimed"C'mere" he grabbed me and tongue kissed me down. Grabbing my but and everything.I finally pulled away. I looked at then looked back at Bryshere then back at miles trying to process what happened."Look I-" i started"It looks like you 2 have some unfinished business" Bryshere walked away frowning."WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT MILES!" I yelled."I had to show him that you were mine" he said bluntly"Miles i am not yours. Just a few days ago you abuse me and the next minute you see me with someone, you wanna be all over me. Im done with u Miles" i said and walked away.

You ain't nothin but a bully..(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now