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Miles pov
Ok here goes nothing. I walked up to her door and knocked on her door. I heard footsteps and she opened the door. "Hi Lucas" she said looking down and scared "Hey" i said walking in. "You gotta nice house" i complemented. "Thanks" she said pushing her reading glasses up. I remembered that she would wear them whenever she studied. "Ok follow me" she lead me upstairs. "You can sit there" she pointed at her office chair. Her room was noiiiceee. So i sat down at her desk admiring one of her baby pictures. She was adorable. She sat next me and pulled a math textbook from her bookbag and set it on the desk. She explained the math to me and i kinda got the hang of it. But she was on the middle of explaining and she caught me staring at her. "Soooo whats the answer" she said "145.8?" I said not so sure. "Yes! You got it" she exclaimed "Ayeeee" i said getting happy. Then and there we had a moment.....i moment of where we got along. It felt good. "You are definately gonna ge an A on this weeks test." She assured "You think so?" I questioned smiling at her " got this" she nodded. We stared in each others eyes for a minute. Her eyes are a pretty light brown. Then i stared at her lips. I could just.....forget this im gonna kiss her. I removed her glasses from her face. "Miles wh-" i cut her her off by putting my lips on hers. Her lips were soft and smooth. I placed my hands on her waist and pulled her on my lap. She was now straddling me with her hands around my neck. I bit her lip asking for an entrance and she accepted. I slid my tongue in smoothly and slowly. We fought for dominance and ya boy won. I could tell that she didnt wanna go to far so she pulled away in shock and got off my lap. She looked uncomfortable. Shoot i would be too if i just kissed my bully. I stood up from my seat. "Umm imma go" i said letting myself out. "Uhhh yeah......Bye Miles" she said as she opened the door. "Bye Imani" i walked out. I just kissed her........ I got in my car and i had to sit down and process what just happened. I eventually drove home and got comfortable. I face timed Aaron (only real niggas face time each other) "What boi" he answered. "I kissed her bruhh" "Ewww why you kiss Jada infected ahh" he said disgusted "No i kissed Imani"
"MY NIGGA" he said all proud and suprised. "You a fool bro but did you get Babi yet"
"Nah not yet im gonna ask her on her birthday" he said cheesing like an idiot.
"Go head"
"I know but imma holla atcha later"
"Ard bye"
No words can explain how i feel.
Imani pov
What the hell just happened.......i kissed my crush/bully. I replayed the events in my head feelung the rush all over again. His lips were so soft and he tasted sweet. I fell back on my bed and thought even more aboit it. I think Babi was right. What if he bullies me just to keep his feeling out the way. I brushed my teeth and got under the covers. I was tired tho. I went to bed and planned on telling Babi tmr. Great i just remembered that she suspended. Oh well. I better get ready for a stressful week at school.
Next day
"Ok class, today we are going to taking our math test, i hope you all studied." My teach announced As soon as i got my paper i started the test. I still cant get that kiss outta my head tho. Today miles sat at the desk next to me. Halfway thru the test i felt eyes on me. I looked to my left and caught Miles staring at me. He smiled and winked at me with his million dolla smile. I melted a little im not gonna lie. I smiled back and continued doing my test. ___
After Miles winked and smiled at Imani, he continued with his work. He actually understood what he was doing and he was taking his time. Imani really did help him. The bell rang and it was time to leave class. Everyone rushes to get outta class and turn in their tests. Once Imani turned the corner she was pushed into a locker. She looked up to see who pushed her. It was Miles. Imani was confused on why he pushed her after she did everything she could to help him with the test not to mention had an intamite kiss with him. "You will always be a dumb bitch" he laughed in her face. It made Amber feel stupid thinking a guy like Lucas could like her. She felt so used. She got up and ran to the bathroom and cried her eyes out. This was the moment that she knew she had to get over him and quick. After she got herself together she walked out and proceeded to her class aftee the hallways cleared. At this moment she was confused and didnt know what to do. As she walked to class she ran into Aaron, Babi now boyfriend. "Hey Little sis" Aaron said looking down. He noticed that Imani has been crying "You look like you been cryin whats wrong?" Aaron added with a sympathetic look. Then and there she let her tears out. She was so broken and upset that little question had her triggered. "Come on, bring it in"Aaron said putting his arms out preparing for a long embrace. "I just dont know why he does this, your his best friend why cant you tell me why" Imani said hugging Aaron tightly. "As much as i want to tell you i cant" Aaron said "Why" Imani whined "I just cant baby girl, look i gotta get to the office." Aaron said letting go of Imani. "Ok" Imani let go and wiped her tears Imani headed to her class in which she was late for.
Skips to when everyone is home
Amber pov "HE KISSED YOU?!" Babi exclaimed thru the phone. I was currently on facetime with her "yes and right after we got outta class he pushed me and called me names laughing in my face." I explained
"JUST WAIT UNTIL I GET BACK TO SCHOOL!" Babi said highly irritated "Ughh i feel like an idiot" i expressed "I gotta go im not really supposed to have my phone" she said "Ok.. bye sissyyy" After that we hung up.and i got in the shower. When i got out i recieved a text from Lucas.
Lucas👅 Can we talk?

You ain't nothin but a bully..(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now