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Miles pov
It was saturday and i was in my room playing 2k with Aaron. "AND ONE BOIII!" Aaron exclaimed. Aaron had just beat me for the second time in a row. "Man, whateva" i set the controller down. Aaron phone buzzed "Who u textin'" i questioned "Imani." I gave him a death glare. He knows how much i like Imani. "Relax, we just talk cuz i like her best friend. Thats just my sis i wouldnt do that to you bro" he said patting my back. I sighed thinking about her. "You know, you could have a chance with her"Aaron mentioned "Yea right. Like she would give me a chance after all the pain I put her through" i said putting the emphasis on the 'I'. "Think about it. You been bullying her since freshman year and she hasnt told the principle or teachers. That means she dont want you to get in trouble." He explained "What? You sound retarted. The fact that she didnt say anything means that she puts up with my bs." I argued. "Ight, its whatever man." "You know what happened last night bro?" I said catching his attention "What?" I was telking him about the night where i saved Imani from that creepy dude in the parking lot. "Yo thats crazy. You might win her over for dat one." He said "Whatchu mean?" I questioned "You know how girls are. Once you save their life they fall in love witcha"Aaron joked. "That mess only happen in movies dawg" i rolled my eyes laughing "What are yall talking about anyway?" I questioned while sitting back in my chair. "Im trynna find out a special way of asking Babi out yaknow find out what she likes..stuff like dat" he said typing away on his phone.
Amber pov
I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes so i quickly showered and threw on a black oversized sweatshirt and some ripped jeans. I put on my backpack and ran downstairs. I always run for food. "Hey mommy" i squealed "Hey Imani. I fixed you a plate before i leave" she said putting her stuff together. "Another business trip?" I whined like a baby. I hated when she leaves me for weeks. My moms a lawyer so that ment barely being home and traveling . "Dont be like that Imani. I gotta get to this really hard case in Texas. You like food on the table and nice clothes on your back dont you?" She questioned "Yes" i sighed. "Ok then i will be back before you know it and theres $600 in the safe but only use it for emergencies understand?" She said "Yes mom" i sighed once more. "I love you baby" she kissed my forehead and walked out the door. I ate my food and walked out the door on my way to school to get embarrased. Nothing new.
I was in math class taking notes and answering questions in my notebook. I think this class will be ok since Miles is sleeping and he cant bother me. I remember the last time we saw each other. It was......weird but i kinda liked it. After all he did save me but i was knocked outta my thoughts when my teacher spoke up. "Miles can you answer number 6 on side B?" My teacher called "LUCAS!!!" she exclaimed and he shot up from his slumber. "Huh?" He said all confused and stretching his arms in the air as the class laughed even me. "You need to stay awake Mr. Coly" my teacher said. He just nodded and began working. "Imani, can you tell me the answer and explain?" She asked. I was more than happy to do so. "The answer is 47.6 to the 9th power" i explained (A/N i know nothing about 11th grade or 12th grade math i just sum that sounded smart😂) "Very good Imani" she said I smiled. "Dork" Miles says under a fake cough earning laughs from the class. I frowned as i put my head down. The bell rung abd every body rushed to leave the room.
Lucas pov
"Not so fast Miles and Imani" my teacher stopped us. "What is it Ms. James i gotta go to practice i gotta prepare for the championship games" Lucas said in a hurry. "Thats the thing Mr. Coly. You wont be able to play on the team if you dont pick your grade up. Its towards the end on the semester and you are failing my class" Ms. James explained "Nahhh you cant do that" i said raising my voice a little. "Its already done" she said. "Sorry to interrupt but why am i here" Imani said "You are gonna be his tutor." "WHAT" Imani and I said in unison "Yep so if you dont pick up your grade in 4 weeks you are kicked off the basketball team. "But why me?" Imani argued "Because you have the best grade average in this class." Ms. James said. Me and Imani glared at each other with hate and annoyance. "Now every 2nd period you guys have a pass to the library to study and finish your make up work." Ms. James explained. With that we left the classroom. Imani pov.
We left class and began walking to our next class. I wanted to know so bad why he hated me so much i did nothing to him.
"If you dont wanna do it at school i understand we can do it my house so your friends dont have to see us together" i offered.
"Yeah whatever hoe" he said with attitude.
"Why do you hate me so much" i finally got the courage to ask.
"BITCH I AINT GOT TIME FOR ALL THE MF QUESTIONS IM ALREADY PISSED OFF" he exclaimed pushing me against the locker. He began punching me in the face. I fell down holding my cheek. Then he kicked me in the back if my head. My vision blurred and everything went black. 15 minutes later.......
Babi pov
Ok i was in french, i havent seen my bestfriend all day, and this teacher is getting on my nerves. "Where Imani at?" I aaked to myself My french teacher was one of those old teachers that cant controll the class. I waited to see if the teacher was looking and i snuk outta class. I wandered the halls dodging teachers and security. I turned the corner to see if she was at her locker. I saw her laid out and knocked out on the floor. "IMANI!" I exclaimed ran to her "Answer me sissy" i cried I checked her pulse it was still there so i guess she was just knocked out. I picked her up abd carried her to the nurse. I bet it was Miles. Why is he so abusive. FOR WHAT THO!!?! god he irritates me. I made it to the nurses office..
Imani pov
My eyes fluttered open to see myself in a white room. I was in the nurses office. My head was pounding. "You ok sissy?"Babi asked "Yeah my head just hurts" i groaned "What happened cuz if i found out that Miles ooouuuu imma beat his ass"Babi said irritated "No i think i just fell really hard" i said not wanting to worry her. "Ok "Babi said
Lucas pov
I need anger managment class fr. I keep hurting the girl i want. Im just gonna leave her more bullying no more abusing her. Im done.


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