
"Dammit!" I growl, shaking out my burned hand. "Put a sock in it Styles!"

Harry tries to keep a straight face but fails and bursts out laughing. "You do know that these Spitfires' need to be done by o'five hundred tomorrow morning. Right?" He questions me, smirking.

"Yes I do but I can't finish them because my partner is acting like a toddler." I smirk back, going back underneath the belly of the jet.

"I'm not acting like a toddler!" Harry defends.

I roll out from underneath, "Yes, you are." I state, going underneath again.

"Winchester! Styles!" I roll out and stand straight next to Harry, saluting.

"Yes Sir!" We ask in usion.

"At ease you two."Mór Grady smiles and we follow his order. "So how are the birds coming along?"

"Comin' along great, sir. Just need to fix the motherboards of a few of them then Bob's your uncle!" I inform him and he chuckles.

"Great. I'll let you two do your thing." Mór Grady grins, waving and leaving the hanger. "Oh, and notify me when you're finish!"

"We don't have a few birds to do, do we?" Harry questions me smugly.

"Would you shut the hell up, you're being a bloody bugger!" I scold him, tossing him a wrench. "Now let's get these birds done."


"Ugh! I miss the good ol' days before we had to do any of this military-shit." Louis complains, taking a seat next to Harry.

"Oh shut it, Lou!" Zayn groans. "You got the easiest job out of all of us."

"Last time I checked, being a weapon's smith is much harder than being a lazy arse!" Louis fires back and our eyes widen at his comeback.

"You think you two got it tough? Try having the jobs Lyn and I have!" Harry states.

"Being an aircraft engineer/pilot/ground soldier all at once is quite a plateful." I add. "Plus, add on head Medical Doctor to my list." I feel someone sit next to me and when I look over, Liam grins a boyish grin at me.

"Oh don't mind me. Carry on with your conversation." Liam says. "It sounds like it was just about to get to the best part."

"Where the bloody hell have you been?!" Louis exclaims, taking a bite of his lunch.

"Eh, doin' my job?" Liam answers Louis in a 'duh' tone.

"Yeah, no shit but why that long?" Louis asks again. "You're usually, pardon, always the first one here out of the five of us."

"Oh, a new group of survivors came in and one of them had a bullet wound so I had to stay longer than expected to do a surgery to remove it." Liam explains.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him.

"You were busy with the fighter jets and it wasn't that bad." Liam shrugs.

"Well, you still could've told me."

"Anyways," Harry barges in, trying to prevent Liam and I from possibly getting into a fight. "I didn't think that there were still any survivors still out there."

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