
My eyes flutter open and I squint at the bright sunlight beaming into the room. I rub my eyes to help adjust them to the bright light. I felt something shift on my chest and I grin when I see Lynette's brown hair fanned out on my chest, her eyes closed.

When she's asleep she looks like she's nineteen over instead of twenty-four and she looks so beautiful. My thumb lightly traces over the scar she has on her right cheekbone and my imagination runs wild with scenarios about how she got it and how many more she has on her body. My fingers and lips brushing over every single one.....

Her eyes flutter open and her forest green eyes gaze lazily into my baby blues as I look down at her. I grin and she grins back. I lean in to kiss her but she stops me by placing her hand over her mouth. Hurt pangs my chest at the gesture and my mind starts scrambling at what to label the reason that she did this.

Does she not like me like that? Well she must've because she was the one that closed the gap. Maybe it was just a way to make me feel better because of what happened? Was I too strong?

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that Lynette was gone. I sit up and swing my legs over to the side of the cot so I'm sitting on the edge. Sighing deeply, I drag my hands down my stubbled face. Guess last night was just temporary.

"Hey, sorry just brushed my teeth......wait is that a tattoo?" I hear Lynette ask behind me, causing me to jump and blush.

I scramble to find my shirt but I see it in Lynette's hand, behind her back. She's smirking at me as she walks slowly towards me, stopping when our chests were touching. She bit her lip as she gazes up at me through her eyelashes, causing me to bite my lip harder.

"I didn't think you were one to have a tattoo." Lynette smirks, bringing her lips close to mine.

I felt her fingertips tracing each letter inked into my right side just below where my ribs end. I shiver at each touch. Damn, this girl has no idea how whipped I am.

Grabbing her waist, I pull her down with me as I fall back into my cot. She lets out a surprised yelp as she falls and lands on my chest. Lynette sets her chin on my chest, so she can look at me, and I place my hands behind my neck and look at her. I smile at how perfect this feels, like she belongs with me in the mornings. Like she was the one that set my day off on the right foot.

"Jesus Niall," Lynette wacks my bare chest, laughing. "Stop zoning out on me! Am I that boring?"

"Never." I chuckle, brushing off a piece of stray hair off of her face and looking deeply into her jade eyes.

We hold that gaze until Lynette breaks it when she sits up, straddling my stomach. She motions me to sit up and I obey her command. Lynette traces the words again, scowling as she reads it. "By any chance, was your father in the Irish Air Corps?" Lynette asks, her eyes still trained on the tattoo.

"Yeah," I raise an eyebrow at the small girl sitting on my lap. "Why?"

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