
I feel the branches smack my face as I run into them as I pass, ignoring the constant sting as they cut my cheeks. The only sound was the breaking of branches, my heavy breathing, boots crunching leaves, and the sound of men screaming after me.

I quickly turn right but collide with a hard chest and fall to the ground, landing on my bum. I slowly look up and I'm met with his once-blue eyes and my blood runs cold. He smiles down at me evilly, blood lust filling every crevice of his vibrant green eyes.

He opens the stolen bulletproof vest and reaches in. The silver glint makes my heart race as he pulls out the knife.

"P-please." I whimper, holding up my hand, starting to back away slowly. "Don't do this. They don't own you."

Without saying anything, he advances toward me swiftly. I try picking up the pace of putting space in between us but I was suddenly grabbed by two pairs of strong, metallic hands. I try to break myself free from their grip but he kicks me in the stomach, making me stop and slump down to my knees. My breath heaves and I spit blood.

I groan in pain as the hands grab me and pull me to my feet but this time, I don't fight back. I'm once again met with those green eyes and psychotic smile. I feel the cold tip of the blade on my right cheek and I screw my eyes shut in discomfort at the sharp sting following closely behind.

My eyes follow the dagger as it moves down my body until it stop in front of my chest.

"Please." I plead again in a soft whisper, a tear falling down my face. He pauses for a moment and I swear I saw a flash of blue in his eyes but the horrid smile tugs at his lips and the tears fall faster at the realization that I've lost him to those son of a bitches.

Without warning, a sharp pain emerges in my chest and I howl out in agony. I fall on my knees, spitting out the blood dripping from my lips and my body hits the cold ground.

The green eyes that have haunted my dreams enter my blurry vision and the two words I hear before my heart fails fell from his lips, "Game arúnd."


My eyes fly open and I sit up, a small shriek escaping my lips and I frantically scan my surroundings. No trees, just walls. I look down down and I see that my tank top doesn't have blood just sweat, the wound not existent.

Glancing at my watch, I groan and throw myself back on the messy cot. I close my eyes and take deep breaths, trying to get rid of the images from my dream. When my breathing returns to normal, I get into a comfortable position and try to fall back asleep.

"Screw this." I mutter, throwing the blankets off of my body after deciding that I couldn't fall back to sleep. I replace my sweaty tank top and sweatpants for an olive green camisole, my training pants, and my beige combat boots. I throw my hair up into a messy bun and head down to the gym.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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