Spring 2019

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March 2019

William sat on his place in the dining table alone this morning. It was Adrienne's portrait reveal at Prince Chavez historical museum in Liechtenstein.

It was about an hour's journey by car to get there and they would have to leave at ten to arrive there on time at eleven for the portrait reveal at twelve thirty. After that, they would have a private tour of the museum and straight after that, Adrienne is showing him around Liechtenstein, and show him the royal palace.

Adrienne is currently upstairs in her closet getting ready for the portrait unveiling, but William is downstairs eating breakfast and catching up on some news before getting ready himself.

William walked into his and Adrienne’s shared closet and got ready for the portrait reveal.

Adrienne walked in the room and smiled to William. “You ready to go?” She leaned up to kiss him softly.


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Harry and Kate’s baby joy: It’s a girl!

The royal couple welcome a new princess!

The Duchess of Sussex showed off her baby daughter to the waiting world on the steps of the Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington

The Duchess of Sussex showed off her baby daughter to the waiting world on the steps of the Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington

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The Duchess of Sussex showed off her sleeping beauty to the waiting world on Saturday after giving birth to the baby Princess.

The newest member of the Royal family, born at 8.34am and weighing 8lbs 3oz, slept right through her big moment as a beaming Duke and Duchess introduced her to the waiting world.

Covered in a shawl and with a bonnet over her head to protect her from the early evening chill, Princess Sussex, who has not yet been given a name, arrived just 154 minutes after the Duchess, 36, had been admitted to the Lindo Wing of St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington.

“She’s fast asleep,” said the Duchess to her husband.

The Duke of Sussex said he and his wife were “very, very pleased”, but after their exhausting day, which had started with the Duchess’s admission to hospital at 6am, they seemed in a hurry to get home to Kensington Palace, and did not answer quest...

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The Duke of Sussex said he and his wife were “very, very pleased”, but after their exhausting day, which had started with the Duchess’s admission to hospital at 6am, they seemed in a hurry to get home to Kensington Palace, and did not answer questions from the media.

The Duchess, wearing a red silk shift dress by Jenny Packham, still had a pronounced baby bump as she said “hello” and waved to a cheering crowd, but looked incredibly fresh, having had a visit in the hospital from her hairdresser, Amanda Cook Tucker.

The Duke had told his wife to “be careful” as she approached the steps of the Lindo Wing. Once she had safely negotiated them she looked up and said to him: “This is nice. Lots of people out there. Look up there on the top.”

Then, looking at her daughter, she said: “Do you think she’s cold?” The Duke replied: “No, she’s fine, she’s good.” The Duchess, still looking a little concerned, said: “Let’s take her inside.”

The baby will be known as Princess [name] of Sussex, following a rule change brought in by the Queen when the Princess Adrienne, Duchess of Cambridge was pregnant with Prince George. Before the Queen issued new instructions, she would have been given the title “Lady”.

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall said they were "absolutely delighted" by the arrival of the new princess. They were thought to have met her at Kensington Palace last night, together with the Duchess’s parents Carole and Michael Middleton, who were seen arriving at the Palace earlier in the day.

The Duchess, who was nine days overdue, was admitted to hospital at 6am, and at 11.07 came the official announcement that she had given birth swiftly and safely.

Kensington Palace said in a statement: “Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex was safely delivered of a daughter at 8.34am. The baby weighs 8lbs 3oz. The Duke of Sussex was present for the birth.

“The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well.”

The announcement was made to the media shortly before it appeared on Kensington Palace’s official Twitter feed

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The announcement was made to the media shortly before it appeared on Kensington Palace’s official Twitter feed.

Tourists who had been at the Palace for the Changing of the Guard quickly formed a queue to take their own pictures of the proclamation.

Barack Obama was among the first to congratulate the couple, saying on Twitter: “Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on the birth of their baby girl. I'm absolutely delighted for them.”

The last word of the day came via the Kensington Palace Twitter feed, which published a close-up picture of the Princess with the message: “Welcome to the family.”

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