Chapter 3

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Welcome back to my shitty ass story! XD Ok so here's the deal, i literally had no more ideas on this story. So, i ended up asking two people i know on opinions and thankfully, i was able to come up with something. Also i'm not including chubby Daniel into the story as of right now, so sorry! BUT you never know, things can change.

-Daniel's POV-

I began to drift my self awake, since i wasn't feeling tired anymore after my long sleep. I finally felt fully awake, Curiously i went to look at the time. It read 7:50 AM. "I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" i screeched frantically. I quickly put on my school clothes, grabbed my things  (Oh~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lol no, i started writing this at 3:29 AM cut me some slack XD) and quickly rushed out of my door making sure to lock it behind me. I began to sprint to school since i didn't have any time to waste at all. Some how i made it on time, i sat in my chair waiting for class to start while everyone else was talking amongst each other.  

~Le time skip brought to you by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~

-Still Daniel's POV-

The bell had just rung for lunch and we were all walking out of the class making our way to the cafeteria. I nonchalantly began to wonder more about Jay, i wanted to get to know him better but i just didn't know how. Could i even talk to him? Can i even talk to him? All these questions started to fill my head, with out realizing i completely forgot my surroundings as i got lost in thought, but that all quickly changed. I was brought out of my thoughts when i bumped into some one. I backed up a bit so i could see who i bumped into, it was Mira. 

-Zack's POV-

The bell rung for lunch and all the people in my class were dashing out of the door like maniacs to scurry off and find their friends. Meanwhile, i stayed back and waited for my precious Mira. "Ready to go now?" She said. "Sure." is all i said and we both started to walk out. We were just about half way through the door to the cafeteria until some one bumped into Mira.

-Daniels POV- 

"Oh, I'm sorry!" i said frantically said, hoping she didn't get hurt. As i extended my hand to help her up i was pushed back and some one else helped her up. It was Zack. "Watch where you're going punk!" He said furiously. Suddenly, he pushed me back on the wall and proceeded to hold me by my collar, i was frozen in fear. "I-i'm sorry! I got l-lost in thought!" I responded shakily. Mira tried to calm Zack down but he wasn't listening to her, his focus was intently on me. Soon a crowd began to gather around us since Zack was yelling at me loudly, they all started to mutter things to each other. Zack then raised a fist and pulled it back ready to punch me. He kicked my leg really hard and i could feel the pain rushing to me in an instant. He swung at me, aiming for my face and i closed my eyes waiting for the painful impact. But it never came.

-Jay's POV-

I was sitting alone in the cafeteria staring out at the window just like usual. I noticed the other students began to get noisier and some were walking to a crowd. Curiously i got up to see what everyone was making such a fuss about. When i reached the crowd, there, i could see what was going on. It was Zack, and the transfer. Zack was holding him by the collar and pushing him up against a wall. All the girls were making such a fuss because the transfer was there. Daniel. I think that's his name? Zack made his first move and kicked Daniel's leg harshly. You could tell from the look on Daniel's face that it hurt him a lot. I decided to step in because Zack is always starting things. Right when his was about to hit Daniel in the face i stopped his hand. "What the hell do you think you're doing idiot?!" He yelled at me. All i did was stare at him and then i moved my gaze back down to my hand. I squeezed his hand as hard i could and he yelped in pain, soon after i let go.

-Daniel's POV-

I looked up to see Jay stopping Zack's fist from hitting me. 'He saved me?!' I thought to my self. I looked at their hands, and i see Jay's hand squeezing Zack's. I moved my gaze up to Zack and saw his facial expression, it looked like he was in a lot of pain. Jay let go of his hand and then Mira began to scold Zack harshly, soon after Mira walked away with Zack following after her. The crowd dispersed some girls were asking me if i was okay but i couldn't respond, so all i did was nod and they all went away. I noticed Jay was still standing there looking at me, he was intimidating so i moved my gaze back down. I tried to walk away but i couldn't walk well so i fell. I grunted a bit and tried to get back up but i couldn't. I saw a hand in front of my face, it was Jay's. I didn't have much of a choice so i reached out to grab his hand. We made our way to the nurse's office in silence but it was a comforting silence. When we got there Jay opened the door and walked me to the bed. Instead of lying down i sat down. Jay was slowly making his way to the door and i swiftly grabbed his hand tightly. He looked at me weirdly but soon relaxed. "Thank you Jay...." I said while giving him a warm smile and squeezing his hand a bit. He looked down at me and smiled. Jay left after a couple of seconds and i was left alone in the room. I lied down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, i started to think about what happened to day and when i got to the part where Jay saved me it felt like everything stopped. Jay. My cheeks heated up as i lay on the bed thinking of nothing but Jay.

-Jay's POV-

I walked back to my class and sat in my seat. I turned my head to where Daniel would be sitting. I turned my head back to the window and began to stare at what was past the glass. I thought of the moment where he grabbed my hand. His hands were incredibly soft, and his smile...It was beautiful. Daniel. My cheeks heated up as i thought more about it. Most of all, i couldn't stop thinking about Daniel.

*Author's note*

That felt good to type considering i haven't updated in days. Well ANYWAYS, lol. Hope you enjoyed my cringy ass story. UNTIL NEXT TIME my Jay x Daniel Reader's! :P

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