Chapter 6

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Lol, so I have been gone for quite a while. BUT I HAVE RETURNED. Now, this story is going to be very different from the Webtoon Series, but I will add some things from the Webtoon it's self, once in a while.

-Daniel's POV-

It's been about a week since Jay, gave me that ridiculous amount of clothes for my birthday, I'm very thankful for it nonetheless. I didn't want to wear any of the clothes because I had already worn some of it last week, and I didn't want to dirty any of it. So today I wore what I usually wore before Jay gave me the clothes. 

-Time skip to when Daniel goes to the school~

-Daniel's POV- 

I was walking into the main building when I suddenly, felt a pair of eyes 'burning' on the back of my head. I turned around to see who it was but no one was there. I felt a bit uncomfortable but I kept walking down the halls as if nothing happened. Soon, I felt the 'burning' sensation again. This time when I turned around I spotted Vin, staring at me. He quickly started approaching me. I felt as if the air turned dangerously cold, after all, I did find Vin very intimidating. "Hey, you. Daniel is your name, right? One of my men told me you were trash talking me, and that you ran from him after. So I came here personally to take care of you, so do me a favor and shut those little eyes of yours, and get ready for my fists." He said in a menacing tone. I was scared, so I froze instantly. I saw his fist swing right for me, and my eyes instantly shut themselves tightly waiting for the pain to come, but it never did. I was surprised at that, so I peeked my eyes open to see that Jay had grabbed Vin's wrist. Vin had a pained expression and ripped his hand out of Jay's grip. " Get out of my way, you blonde freak!" He exclaimed, with anger.

 Soon after a couple more seconds, he backed down and walked away. I looked up at Jay, I was so glad to see him. He gestured to me, asking if was alright. I told him I was okay, thanks to him. I saw him smile a bit and tilted his head to the hall that led to our class as if he wanted to accompany me to class. This I most certainly agreed to. We walked to class together, having a small light 'conversation'. As we entered the class the bell rang to indicate that class was about to begin, so we made our way to our seats.

-Jay's POV-

All day long I watched Daniel from afar, never have I ever been attracted to someone like this. Especially in such a short period of time, but Daniel was just so perfect not to love. 'Wait. Did I just think love? I shook my head and thought really hard about that, did I really love Daniel?  Well the more I think of it, the more I'm convinced that I'm madly in love with him. But does Daniel even like me? Is he even into guys?' All of my thoughts kept confusing me, so I eventually stopped thinking about it and started to stare at the window. After about a while I began to slowly doze off, that is until the teacher's words caught my attention. He had been talking about an assignment that would require us to work with a partner. Daniel immediately appeared in my head. Just when I was going to look over in his direction he said that half of us had to choose a piece of paper and who ever's name was on it, would be our partner for the assignment. The teacher chooses my side of the classroom to choose a slip of paper. My heart started thumping loudly, hoping I would choose Daniel. As soon as I drew my slip of paper it seemed as if time stopped.

I slowly opened it to reveal Daniel's name on it. I released my breath that I didn't know I was holding until now. After everyone on my side of the classroom was done picking, the teacher told us to go pair up with the person who was on the paper we chose. I slowly approached Daniel, he looked at me a little weirdly and then his eyes widened. "I'm your partner? Sweet!" He exclaimed with delight. It took everything in me to stop my blush from showing. We started 'discussing' about the ideas we had for the assignment. After a while, the bell had rung indicating that it was time to go home. I quickly wrote something down on a piece of paper and handed it to Daniel. "You want me to come over to your house tomorrow to work on the assignment? Are you sure that's okay with you?" I nodded my head. "Okay!" He said happily and smiled. My heart fluttered at his smile I felt like I was going to melt. We both waved bye to each other and went our separate ways. 

When I came home, I was ecstatic to know that tomorrow it will be just me and Daniel, alone, together. My mind started drifting off to dirty thoughts and I quickly shook my head of such thoughts. Eventually, after some hours of doing my usual at home, I went to my bedroom to sleep for the night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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