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Jane and Thor had gathered around a campfire, Erik passed out in what Jane called a 'trailer house' from drinking too much. Erik indeed had drunk his weight, and I hadn't one drop of ale. I had just watched disapprovingly, having practiced teetotalism my entire life. After we had returned, Jane and Thor are talking, but I am only half paying attention, my head was lost in the clouds. My mind was on the engagement of Thor and I. Before Odin had declared the two of us betrothed, I had a vision of frost giants breaking into the treasure room. At Thor's coronation, it had happened. When I dreamed that Loki would take me to the gardens, the next day he took me there.

I had a vision that Thor and I would marry the day after Thor's coronation, but that hadn't happened yet either, and suddenly the visions stopped. Was that vision going to happen like the others? Or had I been wrong? My thoughts were overwhelmed with confusion. A pang of sadness filtered through me and interrupted my thoughts. I looked at the starry sky and frowned, the realization crashing into me - I'm feeling someone else's emotions. It wasn't Thor's and Jane's, their's aren't as complicated. It was obvious they held feelings for one another.

These emotions are raw and complicated, mixed and complex with no broad emotion that was standing out to me, a mixture of sadness, anger, deceit, and about every other I can think of besides happiness. I know it from anywhere, it's Loki's emotions. "Can you hear me?" I think hard, no response. I focus hard enough until all I can feel are Loki's emotions, "Loki, are you there?" There isn't a response, I was about to give up when I hear,

"Is that you, Lyra?" My heart jumps. "Are you alright?" I practically yell inside my head, remembering what he's going through. He takes a moment before answering, and I almost think I lost him before he says, "Just fine, what troubles you?"

"You seem troubled yourself, I can feel your emotions." I reply. "I'm just fine, I am merely worried about you." He answers. "Then why are you sad? You also seem guilty, and confused, Loki you can talk to me." I practically beg. "Everything is fine, Lyra. I just miss you." He answers, but I know he's lying.

He may be the God of Lies, but he can't lie to me. "Lyra, I need you to listen to me," He stops, I wait for him to finish, he doesn't. "Loki?" Nothing. "Loki!" I look around, startled that I put my guard down for so long, I think Thor and Jane forgot about me, for when I look at Thor and Jane, I really did miss something- they were kissing passionately on the lips. I blush beet red and before I could turn around, they notice me staring. I whip around, embarrassed and knowing how Thor felt when he caught me and Loki in the garden.

"Glad to see you two are getting along." I say, like what Thor had said to me and Loki, don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely delighted to see that someone else gets to see the softer side of Thor. "Oh God, you two aren't together are you?" Jane asks nervously, color flooding to her cheeks. "No, not at all, don't worry." I say quickly before Thor does something stupid.

As our days on Midgard increase, I see Thor change every second of it, his heart growing softer every second of being around Jane, I knew that when Odin awakened, he would no doubt bring us back with this change of attitude. But what would Thor do if he had to be separated from Jane...?

"Thor, we need to talk." I say, grabbing Thor's arm. "Whatever for?" He replies as I drag him into a separate room. "We need to figure out a way to get back to Asgard. " I say. "We cannot, we must remain in exi-" "Loki has the throne. He's blinded by rage and has no better judgement. You know what a fool does when they have no other emotion guiding them but fear and anger." I say.

Thor shifts, confused. "My father is dead. I am not a rightful Heir anymore, I don't deserve the throne." Thor says glumly. I frowned, I was glad to see him a changed man, but his pessimism wasn't helping.

"Thor! You're father is alive! Loki lied so you wouldn't come back, he feared you were still unstable. But I can see you've changed, I still feel Loki's emotions and he grows more and more unreasonable by the day-"

"What are you guys up to?" Darcy says, leaning against the door frame. "How long have you been standing there?" I ask, how did I not notice her? "Not long, someone's at the door for you." She says. Who could want to see us? Could it be any of those SHEILD agents? When we walk through the corridors Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were there.

"Oh my God." I murmur. "My friends! You have come!" Thor erupts, engulfing Volstagg, Fandrall, and Hogan in a massive hug. "Glad to see you again," I say, Sif and I knock our forearms together. "We've come to take you back to Asgard, we need you both." Fandrall says. Thor turns around to look at Jane, hesitation in his eyes. "I'll go. He'll listen to me." I say. "No, I cannot just stay because of my own selfish desires, I must help bring reason back to my brother." Thor says. He walks over to Jane and was about to say something before a large crash sounded.

We all stare at each other, then waste no other time to run outside. Outside, people yelled out in frantic shock in reaction to the Destroyer, guarder of Odin's treasures, reeking havoc upon this small town. A vehicle burst into flames after one simple stare from The Destroyer and Darcy cursed, her eyes growing wide. Loki. I thought. What has gotten into him?! "What the hell happened while we were gone?" I exclaimed, throwing a hand toward the rampaging Destroyer. Sif stared toward the Destroyer with eyes full of emotions I could not read at that moment. "A lot happened, Lyra, that even you can't fix," she breathed, as if she could see the destruction soon to be brought upon these poor people. I would take none of it. I turned towards the humans with us.

"Jane, Darcy, Erik, evacuate everyone out of here!" I yell, conjuring my armor on and drawing Dygö. "Let us do this, my friends." Hogan says, a smiling burning on his face. Here we were after a month, fighting side by side until the end. I teleport behind the destroyer and pull its head to where it was aiming so it hits a vacant vehicle instead of the person. As I do this, Sif charges forward and stabs her spear through its neck, it merely pulls it out and throws her aside, yanking me off its neck, before I hit the ground I teleport in the air above him and use my mind to send it flying into the already burning car.

The warriors three throw their swords into it, it dodges them and blasts them all into the houses. Sif charges but also wasn't able to dodge the beam of light through the Destroyer's face. "Stop this!" It was Jane, trying to distract the Destroyer from the wounded Asgardians. The Destroyer turns its gaze toward her, ans before I could do anything it unleashes his beam of light, and Thor is in front of Jane.

Taking the full might of its blast. "Thor!" I exclaim. I push its head upward with magic so it's beam unleashes into the sky until it stopped.

"Loki! Look at me!" I yell. The Destroyer's face looks at me. "Loki, I know you. You are better than this, Loki. Don't let what happened control your judgment!" I beg, staring at the empty face of the Destroyer. "You know you're not mad at Thor, you just want to be. If you want to be mad at anyone," I start, making sure I have its attention. "be mad at me. I kept secrets from you that your father himself and Thor knew, I always take you for granted, so if you kill anyone, kill me and get it over with. No one else has to get hurt." I say.

The Destroyer doesn't do anything for a moment, and I know my words hit home in Loki. "Or, you can turn this thing back to Asgard, and we will return. I will return, and we can right all these wrongs Loki." Just as I say this, a hammer flies by my face and into the Destroyer. "Or we can do it this way." I say, sighing.

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