Chapter 21

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Welcome to Westbrooke.

Elizabeth sighed and stared at the city limits sign at the side of the freeway. Westbrooke was a quiet little city, almost like a village. It had a town square, a chapel, and most of the ranches were taken up by farm houses.

"Which one's his house?" Analyse asked, while driving the car.

"You mean farm," Elizabeth corrected. "It's on hummingbird lane. There, on your right."

The car pulled up on a ranch, with the horses and the white fences that stretched on for acres.    "Alright," Analyse said, getting out of the car. "Let's go see Daniel."

They walked up to the porch of the pretty little house and rang the door bell.                                               

"It smells here,"Elizabeth complained.                                                                                                       

"Shut up," Analyse whispered. "That's the smell hardwork and the great outdoors."                                 "That's why I never go camping," Elizabeth muttered.

"Be right there!" Someone yelled on the other side of the door. Then the door swung open, and a hot  guy came out. He was tall and had a white shirt on and faded denim jeans with those natural holes and rips in them. His brown hair lay flat on his head. He was chewing on a straw of wheat.

"Hey," he said. "What can I do for you, ladies?"

"Hi," Analyse extended her hand. "You must be Daniel. I'm Analyse, and this is my friend Elizabeth."

The boy shook her hand. When he was about to shake Elizabeth's, she cringed and gave in.           

"Come on in," he said warmly. He invited them into the house and led them to the cute little kitchen. It reminded Analyse of home, and for a moment there, she felt a little homesick.

"So," Daniel poured coffee into their cups. "What brings you guys here? I'm pretty sure city folks like you wouldn't wanna be wandering around in the rurals."

"Ain't that the truth," Elizabeth mumbled, and Analyse punched her arm. Daniel didn't seem to notice.    "Actually," Analyse started. "We're friends of your... girlfriend? Meredith?"

"Oh really?" Daniel's face somewhat lit up. "How's she doing? She didn't talk to me since.... forever."

Analyse gulped. How the heck was she going to say this???

"So... no one's told you?" Her eyes watered with concern.

"Told me what?"

Elizabeth cleared her throat. "Daniel... you're girlfriend's dead. Meredith... she's gone."

Daniel's face was impassive.

"You're lying," he murmured. "Please, you're lying. You don't know what you're talking about."

"Daniel... I know it's hard. It's hard to understand. But we saw her-"

"You're lying!" he yelled. "I told you city folk were no good."

"If you just let us explain-"

"-Please. Please go..." Daniel sat down and covered his face. "Please, just leave."

Analyse nodded and they left the house. On their way down the ranch, Elizabeth sighed.

"What the heck was that?"

"He's just sad, Liz."

"Shouldn't he be a lot sadder, though? He didn't seem surprised. AT ALL. His girlfriend just died! "

"He's in shock right now-"

"-And the worst acting award goes to... DANIEL.. what's his last name again?"

"Liz, stop! He didn't kill Meredith, if that's what you're implying! She was his girlfriend."

"Did you hear him?! He was all like 'why are city folks here' and 'i knew they were no good'!" Elizabeth mimicked in a ditsySouthern Hillbilly accent.

"He doesn't even talk like that! He talks like us!"


Elizabeth screamed.

"What?!" Analyse's heart thumped. "Liz WHAT?!"

Elizabeth pointed at her shoes. They were covered in... horse poop.

"I STEPPED IN SHIT!!!" she screamed.

Analyse sighed. Her heart nearly had an attack.

"I hate the country side,"  Liz mumbled as she wiped the dung of her kicks.

Analyse blew out air. Yup. City Folk WERE no good at all.

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