| Chapter 1: Graduation Day|

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Your Pov

"Miss Y/N, you're going to be late for your graduation, please dress up in your uniform."

My graduation is today...and that means...I'll have to walk onstage infront of all the family members of students, students and school personell....

"I don't want to go" I say scared to my butler Steve, who is trying to get me to dress up in my school uniform.

He smiles sofltly and shakes his head from side to side. "Only ten seconds, or even less. You won't be that much time on stage, just to pick up your diploma."

"Its ten seconds! Do you know how many people will be watching me? No, no, no....Its too much." I mumble and turn over on my bed, grabbing the white silk covers and throwing them over my face.

"Miss, If you don't go to your graduation, you'll have to repeat the grade, and see much more people. But if you go now, you'll get it over with and no more school."

He is trying to make me go up there and face all those people! Not my scene...

"Your father will be happy too, seeing his only daughter graduating from high school."

"Ugh.....how many seconds again?" I take the covers off my face and turn around to Steve who is standing near the bed folding his arms wearing a black tuxedo. He is tall like six feet and has messy golden brown hair and bangs a little on top of his eyebrows and his very dark brown eyes that are looking at me smiling.

"Ten or even less, depends on how fast you walk from your seat to the stage and then take your diploma."

He gives me a smile showing a little of his dimples and I can't say no to that...Steve is my butler and best friend, he is twenty six years old and he has been my butler since I was in middle school. He has never crossed a line and respects me. He is like an older brother I never had.

"Fine....But! Can we leave as soon as possible after the graduation is over?"

"Yes." He nods and goes to the door of my room.

"You have ten minutes to get ready, breakfast is already served downstairs."


He exits my room and I drop against my bed. My pillow is so soft, I want to keep sleeping...But I can't.

I lazily get up from my bed and walk over to my closet. I open the door see my uniform leaning on the chair inside my walking closet and I start dressing.

"This is going to be a long day...." I sigh and start buttoning my shirt and then my skirt.

timeskip to the Graduation

I'm waiting nervously. The director is calling for my classmates and I can't stop moving my toes inside my shoes. My index fingers keep touching and playing with each other.

"Kim Y/N."

Gosh I'm so nervous!! The sound of my heartbeat is the only thing I can hear right now. I get up from my chair and everyone starts applauding. I slowly walk up to the stage, and because I can't control my legs, I walk slow. I'm sweating. I reach the little stairs leading up to the stage and slowly walk up the stairs. I want to disappear...I now hear the sounds of loud clappings of hands and whistles. I walk up to the director and he smiles and helds out his hand, I nervously give him my hand to shake them. After the handshake, we both bow and he tells me with a firm voice.

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