|Chapter 27: Why is he here?|

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(A/N: Play the video once I tell you)

Your P.O.V

I decided to take a long walk to the supermarket. Once I arrive, I search for the isle where the baby formulas are as I'm picking up a formula, I recieve a call from Jimin.


"Y/N, We are on our way."

"Oh okay, I'm at the supermarket, Ba Seol is at the cafe, she'll recieve you. See you soon oppa."

"Ne, I can't wait to see you too."

"WE can't wait to see her!" Taehyung and Jin corrected Jimin and I laughed.

"Jajaja, I'm shopping, I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay, at what time will you be there?" Jimin clears his throat.

"In about one or two hours, Ba Seol wanted me to take a walk around for myself."

"Okay, then we'll wait for you at the cafe. Bye!!~" Jimin giggles.

"Bye Jimin oppa~" I hang up and smile.

Once I have everything I need, I pay for it and I leave the supermarket. Since I only have three bags, I'm able to walk. The distance is not that far and I'm able to enjoy the walk in fresh air.

I stop by a park, I see a bench and sit on it. A old woman feeding pigeons was sitting on the other side of the bench, I smiled towards her and she smiled back

"It's a beautiful day isn't it?" She looked at me and I nodded.

"It is a perfect day to spend with the one you love." She looks at me and my expression saddens.

"It seems like it." I look at how she feeds the pigeons.

"You look sad, sadness is what brings one into the deepness of surrow. What you need is happiness. Did you know that the person closest to you is the one who you are able to trust in any situation, but if you refuse to let that person in your heart, you will be filled with sadness." She smiles kindly.

"Wow, thank you ajumma." I give her a sad smile and she shakes her head.

"Don't give me a sad smile! Smile for real, a real smile is the key to one's happiness. That young man you love, keep him close to you because one day you will lose him for real. You need to let him back into your life, both of you are suffering being distant from each other. Say you want him back, accept him back or you will suffer more for the rest of your life and you won't be the only one who will suffer, he will also suffer and the little angel both of you have, will suffer in the future."

"W-What are you talking about ajumma?" I look at her and she giggles while turning her face to look at the sky.

"You should head back to the cafe, they are waiting for you." She giggles and I furrow my eyebrows while I look down.

What is she talking about? How does she know who is waiting for me at the cafe? How does she know who I am?

"Ajumma, h-" I turn my head and there's no one there, only the plastic bag she used to feed the pigeons.

"W-What the......." I look around but there's no sign of her. I get up from the bench, grab my bags and I start walking back to the cafe. What an ajumma? How did she walk away so fast?

"Where did that ajumma go....?" I mumble to myself as I keep walking.

(A/N: play the video now)

As I'm reaching the cafe, I sigh in relief because I'm getting tired. I keep on walking and once I reach the cafe, I open the door cheerfully.

I smile once I see Jimin, Taehyung and Jin, I hear giggles, I obviously know who they are from. They are Ji Jung's but I don't see any of them carrying him.

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