|Chapter 45: Photoshoot|

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Your P.O.V

"Eomma!!! Abba!!!" I drop my luggage on the floor and run towards Ji Jung. He was wearing a cute pink bunny onesie, and his coconut hair just like his father's, covered his forehead as he was running towards me with his small feet.

"Baby be careful!" I lift him in my arms and swing us both while I shower him with kisses and pecks all around his face as he giggles. I missed him so much! I continue pecking his cheeks and feel warmth spreading on my body; a pair of warm arms had hugged us both.

"I missed you Ji Jung ah!" Jungkook pecks Ji Jung's forehead and cheeks.

"I missed both of you too" Taehyung scoffs. He interrupts our family moment with a scoff making us laugh and face him as he rests his chin on top of Jimin's left shoulder whole back hugging him. Both of them are wearing pj's meaning they probably slept at our apartment.

Jungkook gently takes Ji Jung from my arms and I walk towards those two. Jimin extends his arms and I waste no second in hugging him, and Taehyung also wraps his arms around me. I burry my face on Jimin's chest and smile. "Thank you"

I thank them for taking care of Ji Jung all these two weeks. They greet Jungkook after, laughter errupting in our apartment; we seated ourselves on the couch in the living room and talked about how the honeymoon was and how Ji Jung behaved. Ji Jung sat in my lap and played with my hair and hands as we all continued talking until it was late and Ji Jung had to go to sleep. I walked with an asleep Ji Jung in my arms to his bedroom and gently placed him on his crib, I covered him with a blanket and kissed him good night. When I returned to the couch, I sat myself between Jungkook's legs and rested my head against his chest while facing Jimin and Tae, we resumed talking and eventually we started talking about the topic of how it was accidently revealed that Tae and Jimin were dating.

"Can you explain it now, without being rushed?" I asked Taehyung and Jimin and they nodded. Taehyung held Jimin's right hand and intertwined their fingers as Jimin leaned his head on Taehyung's shoulder and began explaining.

Jimin's P.O.V

I was talking with ARMY on the V-Live until the bedroom's door opened revealing a half naked Taehyung with only a towel hanging from his waist around his lower body until it rested on top of his knees. "Jiminie Baby, Ju-"

I cut his words off before he finished his sentence, my hearbeat increased such a pace that I could have a heart attack. We are live.

"T-Tae!" I almost shout and he freezes, he looks at my laptop and gulps. We make eye contact and we both realize in what such a mess will happen right after this moment. We are screwed.

"J-Jimin, I-I'm sorry I should have knocked." Taehyung's right hand grabs the doorknob and I face back my laptop, seeing the comments on the screen.

"A-ARMY, I have to go now, good night" I couldn't hold my tears as I finished my sentence and ending the V-Live right before Taehyung exited our bedroom.

"T-Tae..." I turn around facing him after closing my laptop. I froze, what's going to happen now? Will they know that Tae and I are dating?

"Jimin" Taehyung's hand let go of the doorknob and he walked closer to me. He hugged me tight and my face collided with his slight wet chest. I breathed in his scent and cried in his embrace.

"W-We have to tell the others about this" Taehyung caressed my hair softly while his head rested on my left shoulder.

"And after we told the hyungs, we did another V-Live" I tightened my hold on Taehyung's hand while telling Y/N and Jungkook about how ARMY accepted us.

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