|Chapter 28: Let's be a family|

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(HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNGKOOK OPPA!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)

(A/N: slight triggering content? Is breast feeding considered mature? For me it isn't I considere it a natural thing but here's the warning😂)

Your P.O.V

"Y/N....come back to me. Let me be part of your life again, let us be together again.... Ji Jung is our son, let me be part of his life, let us raise him together... Please Y/N... I love you both so much...."

.....Why can't you understand that your career is important?

"I want us to be together, I don't care what other people think about us. I know that you care an-"

"Jungkook....." A small tear leaves my eyes and I lean backwards but he stops me.

"Please Y/N...."

"Jungkook.......I..its not just...yo-"

"If you dare to say that BTS's reputation will go bad, we will never forgive you Y/N." Jin states in a very serious tone and Jimin and Tae agree with him.

"Exactly, Y/N please...Hear me out.."

I'll hear you out Jungkook, but... I don't know...

"I'll....hear you out... Ba Seol ah, take care of Ji Jung for a few minutes..."

"Okay unnie." Jungkook leans apart and I give Ji Jung to Ba Seol.

Jungkook grabs my hand and he interwines our fingers. How long have I missed this. I love their warmth...

He holds tightly onto my hand and he walks to a booth. He sits in front of me, never letting go of my hand.

"Y/N..." He keeps his gaze on me and I look at him. Tears form in my eyes, his dark brown eyes are beautiful, and I'm the reason why they are swollen and red.

"Jungkook... I'm...s-sorry I left.." Tears form in his eyes and he brings my hand to his mouth and he gives it a peck.

"Y/N, hear me out now please..." I slowly nod and he closes his eyes, breathes in deeply and opens them again.

"I fucking missed you so much Y/N, you only left a note. A fucking note...saying my career was more important than us. I was broken, I gave you space like you wanted to, but you left me. That was so selfish of you. I told myself that I wanted to hate you, but I couldn't bring myself to. No matter how many times I wanted to hate you for leaving me, I couldn't. You weren't the only one that left... *sniffle* You left pregnant... Y/N..."

He stops and looks at me, I couldn't stop the tears that breamed down my face.

"I love you so much, it completly broke me, I was taken to the hospital a lot of times because I overworked myself. I was broken on the outside and on the inside. But the part that longed to have you and Ji Jung in my arms kept me going. Everyone was there for me, everyone except you. I never thought you could just leave like that, but you did. I can't live without you Y/N. My career, what would people say? That I got the person I love pregnant because I love her? That I'm too young? Well fuck them because I love you and Ji Jung. Ji Jung right now is one of the best things in my life and you Y/N, are one of them. I'm allowed to love who I want and be with who I want. They can talk but it won't affect us nor BTS. Y/N... let me be with you and Ji Jung...Let's be a family." He smiled sadly and I cleaned my tears.

I'm at a loss for words. I keep my gaze on his.

"Jung...k-" He got up from his seat and time stopped for me.

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