|Chapter 46: First Appointment|

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I hold on Y/N's hand and support her body as she leans on my left shoulder while we wait for a nurse to call us. We didn't have time to hide our identities and I can feel a few stares in our directions. She isn't sleeping but I can see how tired she is, I hope it isn't serious...

"Jeon Y/N" A short nurse with her black hair on a bun calls her and I raise my hand.

"Jagiya" I slowly support her waist with my left arm and she holds my neck as we walk to the nurse, Y/N's face really pale.

"Follow me, the doctor will be with you in a few minutes" She leads us to room and leaves. I carry Y/N bridal style carefuly and gently place her on the white small bed used for patients.

"Jungkook..." Her breathing increases, her lips now almost white and I widen my eyes, I quickly scan my surroundings and find a trash can. I grab it and she leans her head on it, she doesn't throw up much since she hasn't eaten anything and when she finishes, she leans her head backwards and steadies her breathing.

I place down the contaminated trash can and give her the bottle of water Jimin hyung had given us earlier. I check my pocket for the pack of mint gums I bought on the hospital's pharmacy on our way up and give one to her. Slowly, I see some color regaining her lips and cheeks. "Thanks, sorry you have to see me like this" She says weakly, her eyes closing for two seconds each time she blinks.

"Nonsense, Jagi you're sick. I'm not going to leave you alone for even a second." I gently held her hands and the door opens.

A middle aged man wearing a white doctor's robe enters the room with a file in his hands. "Miss Y/N, we meet again after a year and a half, how can I he- Oh, a pleasure to meet you. I'm Doctor Yoon." He extended his right hand at me and my right hand slowly let go of Y/N's hand. I shook hands with him while bowing my head.

"Likewise, I'm Jeon Jungkook, Y/N's husband" I smiled at the doctor, he seemed really kind.

"What seems to be the problem with Y/N?" He walked closer to her and opened the pastel looking file, passing through white pages.

"She's been thro-"

"Oh, you should have told me Mr. Jeon." Doctor Yoon points at the trash can and I laugh awkwardly. "I'm sorry" I bow my head and Dr. Yoon shakes his head.

"Don't worry, I'll tell the nurse to clean it while Y/N goes inside the bathroom. Help her with this, she needs to pee in this" He gives me a small container. I take it and help Y/N get up from the bed.

"I know what's wrong..." She mumbles and looks at the doctor. He smiles kindly and slowly nods, I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head in confusion. She knows what's wrong?

"You know why you're like this?" I ask her and she nods three times.

"Help her take the test anyway" I obey the doctor's orders and walk with her to the bathroom.

When I finish helping her in the bathroom, I lift her gently and place her on the small white patient's bed. The doctor takes the container filled with yellow liquid and I intertwine my fingers with Y/N's. The doctor goes to a small counter beside the door where there's different gabinets and he opens one. Y/N has a smile on her face now, her eyes seem to be regaining strength. "Kookie" She whispers.

"What?" I peck her forehead, a small smile forming on my lips watching how her smile becomes brighter.

"Nothing..." She giggles and I shake my head while chuckling.

"I love you" I tighten my hold on her hand as I whisper.

"We love you too" She whispers leaning her forehead on mine. It takes a few seconds for me to acknowledge what she just told me. My heartbeat increasing very fastly, my eyes going open and retracting my head back.

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