| Chapter 6: Fan-meeting|

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"Hyung...you were a bit mean when you found out that I was really good at singing and that I could become the main vocalist in the band but when I told you that I didn't want the spotlight, that I only wanted to be in the back.......you started being more nice. Is that reason why you are only nice to me, because ......if I-" Y/N cut his sentence and looked at me.

No, I'm not nice just because of that. Not like I'm going to tell him that. I'm nice now because you are really a good guy and I really want to help you get over your fear. Like hell I'm going to tell him that.

"At first I thought you were annoying, only someone who wanted to steal my place as the Main Vocalist, but now I'm nice to you because even if you are going to steal my place one day, I'll have trained you enough so that you a-" Fuck.....Why are you this stupid Jungkook?

Before I realized it, I had said that to him. I'm mentally cursing at myself. His face was a little confused. "I-I meant that I wan-"

"I'll help too!" Jimin started giggling and gently punched my shoulder. Phew....I sighed and Taehyung got up and walked towards Y/N.

"Guys, Jungkook ah, Jimin hyung, we will help Y/N overcome every fear he has! The new Maknae Line of BTS, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook and Lee Y/N! Y/N, we are going to help you overcome every fear you have." Taehyung smiled at him and messed up his hair.

Y/N laughed it off and no one seemed to realize completely what I said earlier. We continued playing and it became really late after a few hours.

Your P.O.V

I learned a lot today, I never knew that having friends or 'hyungs' could be fun. I feel bad that I have to lie to them and hide the fact that I'm a girl. There's just one thing I can't get out of my mind....did Jungkook really mean what he said earlier, out of his own free will?

After we finished playing the game, we walked to our rooms. I grabbed my new pair of clothes that I'll use and I walked to the bathroom to bathe and change. After I finished bathing and changing in the bathroom being careful that Taehyung doesn't "accidently" enters the bathroom again nor anyone in general, I let out a sigh. Once again I look at myself in the mirror, I give myself a smile, now looking forward to live with BTS and get over my fear.

Author's P.O.V

Weeks and weeks pass and now everyone knows who Y/N is. The interview the manager had spoke of was a success. The world knows Y/N as the newest maknae of BTS, it was a little hard at first for Y/N since she had to appear a lot on camera and she hated it and was really nervous, but she sighed it away and continued.

Steve became the personal assistant of BTS, helping Y/N whenever he could. There was still no sign of the gangsters looking for Y/N and her father, so it was a good sign that they didn't suspect anything.

Throughout the weeks Y/N spend with BTS she was becoming better and better at dancing, she also became more close to Jungkook and Jimin, but Taehyung somehow distanced himself a little. It was a little odd for her since he was the one who suggested that they'all help her get over her fear.

Right now, Y/N and Jungkook were in the practice room, practicing a new choreography for a fan-meeting that will take place in five days. She was wearing a long black shirt, black ripped jeans, red converse, while Jungkook was wearing a white shirt with tight dark blue jeans and yellow timberlands.

RM had created a mini song that lasted two minutes and a half for the next fan-meet, he needed to choose one member that will sing in the song with Y/N, so he chose Jungkook.The song was mostly an intro for Y/N as the new member of BTS. Y/N was very nervous about performing the song and Jungkook helped her calming down.

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