Chapter 4

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Christian's Pov;

Since she left there's been nothing but darkness. I go through the motions, each day is more empty than the last. In the back of my mind is her delicate face, dark moist lashes, pale skin, slightly reddened cheeks, teary wide blue eyes filled with pain. Pain I caused. She's gone. The only woman I've ever loved. And there's no one else to blame but myself. Nothing I do can dull the agony I feel at the realization. Flynn's words don't bring me any solace. I no longer have any desire when I see the locked door of the playroom. I can't even bring myself to unlock the door. There's too many painful memories trapped inside. I will never see her again. My Ana is no longer mine. She'll never taunt me with her smart mouth, or gaze at me with amusement. She won't be cooking in my kitchen in the morning. She won't take me into her light. I'm all alone in the dark. In the days that pass the world moves on, but I can't. She's all I think about. My nightmares worsen. I begin to stalk her house, just hoping to get a glimpse of her. I've heard from Elliot that Kate's back at the apartment with her now. It's comforting knowing that she has Kate. At least with her there I know Ana will eat and drink and be properly taken care of. I still feel the need to keep an eye on Ana. I know it's wrong and obsessive, but I can't just let her go. What if Kate takes her out drinking again? What if Ana meets someone new? Or worse what if Jose tries to kiss her again and I'm not there to stop him? The thought of Jose reminds me of the gallery opening he's got coming up. Ana and I had plans to  go together, but since Kate's home I'm sure she no longer needs me to accompany her. Although that doesn't necessarily mean my invite is revoked. Perhaps I should go, just to check up on her. I'm desperate to see her again. I decide to take the risk and go to the opening. I have to see her. I have to know if there's hope for us. In the meantime, I begin to devise my plan to win her back, starting with sending her a bouquet of white long-stemmed roses. She wanted hearts and flowers. I'm ready to give her just that. Whatever it takes to make her mine again. To heal the damage I have done.

Today is the day I win her back. I arrive at the gallery opening with a sense of purpose. I will make Anastasia mine again. I can be the man she needs me to be now. I'm sure of it. I just have to make her see. After having to deal with stares and unwanted compliments from many overly friendly women, finally I think I've reached the safe zone. The photographs are mediocre at best, but it doesn't matter. I'm not here for them. I'm here for her. It smells of cheap wine and all around me are hushed whispers and pointing, yet no sighting of Anastasia yet. What the hell are they all pointing like that for? At first I think all the commotion is directed at me, but within seconds I realize how wrong that was. It's her. She's everywhere in jaw-droppingly beautiful full  portrait form. Anastasia Rose Steele. The woman I'm here to see, the woman I love. She's relaxed like I've never seen her. So happy and full of life unlike the last image of her I've had stuck in my brain since I last saw her. She's smiling, laughing. frowning, pouting, and serious. It's an exhibition of her in every form. They show a range of emotions but also such clear adoration from the photographer behind the stunning photos. Jealousy and rage flare up in me, knowing that he's probably making a pass at her right now. She has to be somewhere in here, the real her not the portrait format. I have to find her, but first I have to make sure that these photos have no chance of ever being ogled in such a way that they are now. I find the woman responsible for selling the pictures and insist on making them mine. She doesn't put up much of a fight before agreeing that as soon as the show is over they'll be delivered directly to me. Now for the real reason I came here, Anastasia.

It doesn't take long to find her, I just follow the whispers and impressed glances until I spot her talking with the photographer himself. She seems unhappy with him and the thought pleases me. Yes, baby. Tell his ass off. I smirk in amusement as she throws her hands up in frustration at whatever his excuse was for making her so angry. I have a strong feeling her sour mood towards him is about the photographs. She hates being put on display this way even though she's deserving of every ounce of attention it's gotten her. She's gorgeous and now everyone in this room knows it. She turns and walks out of my line of sight for a moment, then begins to walk in my direction with Kate's arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Now's my chance. I approach her cautiously, not taking my eyes off her. Her bright baby blues connect with Grey and she comes to a dead stop. I feel weak in the knees just looking at her. For a second it's like I'm staring into those captivating eyes of her's for the very first time all over again. Then Kate steps forward, blocking my view of Ana. Kate's green eyes convey her hatred clearly. She's not going to make this easy on me, not at all. She squeezes Ana's hand that she's began to hold for reassurance, but I'm not quite sure of what. I take a few steps forward, despite Kate's clear animosity towards me. I close the small gap of distance between us and hear Ana's sharp intake of breath. "Kate." I spit her name, giving her my most intimidating stare. She doesn't budge, doesn't even flinch. "Kate, It's fine. I can handle this." Anastasia softly pipes up and suddenly Kate backs off to let Ana talk to me. "Anastasia. It's a pleasure, as always, to see you." I utter, unexpected nervousness building inside of me. "What are you doing here, Christian?" She asks, her voice all business. "I came to see you." I confess, heart racing. Shit. Maybe coming here was a mistake. No, I needed to see her, regardless of how badly this mission could turn out. I need to try. "Why?" She asks, sounding genuinely baffled. "I wanted to talk to you, Perhaps in private?" I suggest, eyeing Kate with annoyance. She stands at full height, eyes hardened. She's not going to let me convince her of doing anything she doesn't want to do. "I'm not going anywhere without Kate." She makes her position clear. She won't be talking to me alone. But that doesn't mean we can't at least take this conversation into a less public place. People are starting to stare, and not just because of the portraits. "Fine. You can bring her with us." I amend, hesitantly. I have to show her I'm open to compromise. If that means having Kavanaugh tag along for the ride, I'll just have to tolerate it. Kate and I both escort Ana out with my one hand on Ana's back and Kate's hand still firmly grasping Ana's.

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