Our Egos (6)

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Dark took off the gag on Mark. "Help! Help!" Dark took Marks chin. "I suggest you shut up or your boyfriend dies first." Mark glared at Dark but stopped screaming." "Mmmmm mmmmm mm?" Jack muttered. "Anti? Are you ready yet?" Anti then appeared in the corner of the room with a cart full of sharp and metal objects. "What's that for?" Mark questioned. Dark smirked. "Well, Mark. Heh, it's for you." Mark thrashed around, trying to get out of the ropes. "Ya, keep trying." Dark got up and walked over to the cart and picked up a knife. "We'll start small. Anti." Dark flicked his eyes at Jack who was still limp in his chair. Anti nodded and walked over to him. Then, he slapped him and felt a twitch. Anti then walked over to Dark. "What, what's going on?" Jack asked. "Mark? Mark are you okay?" "Ya, I'm fine. At least for now." "What do ya mean?" Jack looked to his left and saw Dark and Anti. "Oh shite." "So now that you're finally up, we can get this show on the road." Dark walked over to Mark and planted himself on Marks lap with the knife. Dark leaned into Mark and whispered, "You really don't remember do you?" 

"What?" "Nope." Dark then began slicing through Marks flesh. Hearing Jack and Marks screams were very pleasant to him. "Let me ask once more. Do you remember what you did to me that night?" Mark still shook his head. "Anti." Anti walked over to Dark holding another blade but this once was more jagged and sharp. "Thank you." Dark then began to lightly slice Marks neck. He shrieked in pain, and Jack screamed for him. "Dark! Please! We had a deal!" "What?" Mark asked through gritted teeth. "Ya, Jack. Why don't you tell him about that 'deal'." Dark said getting up from Marks lap. "I...I..." "Jack!" "Okay! Okay. Dark, Anti, and I made a deal about getting them free. I said I would give them the spell as long as you and I were safe from them." "Well, obviously they didn't stick to it." Anti and Dark laughed. "We never do. You would know that if you made deals with us more often." "Mark i'm so sorry. I didn't know!" "Ya, whatever." "Please." Jack started to tear up.

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