The Depature

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This chapter is 984 words...😂😁

I'll just get to someone he loves dearly...
"Why isn't he dead!"

"I'm sorry, please let me expla-"

"No! That was your final chance!"

"Please, don't do this...!"

But it was too late I had been sent packing

"Leave, before I kill you!"

The reason he isn't dead is.....

Cause I couldn't do it, I couldn't kill him


This wasn't the last time that I was going to be seen I was going to prove to my master that I could worthy once more

Its been about an hour, I've been here at Avengers tower for about an hour, just talking to Peter. He wouldn't tell me how he got hurt, I'm starting to believe that he doesn't even know what happened...


I turn around to see my mom looking at me, she glanced up to a clock and back to me...

I looked over at the clock to see the time, it was 10:35

"We have to leave, now otherwise we'll be late..."

"Ok Mom..." I said as I started to stand up

"Wait, you'll be late for what...?"
Peter ask in complete confusion, classic adorable Peter Benjamin Parker...

I didn't say anything I just stopped, turned around, walked over to the counter next to him, and placed the note down. I put my hands into my sweatpants pockets and said...

"See ya Pete, oh, and don't forget to stay in touch..."

The look on his face seemed to change, I wouldn't know how to describe it in words, but it changed

As we walked out May came with us, she told Pete that she was tired and wanted to go home, he nodded and said goodbye

We walked towards the door and Mr. Stark opened it for us, I was the last one to leave, so I had time to whisper something in his ear, and then he closed the door and we headed towards our cars

"I can't believe that your going off to train with some superhero, it's astonishing, I always knew that you loved the feel of adrenaline..." May said

She knew about me leaving, and what happened. And she was right, I did love the feeling of your heart pumping so hard that you can hear it in your head, the increased amount of energy you get, but my favorite part is probably when you feel...... unstoppable, the confidence that you gain while all of the fears wash away... it's just so..... exhilarating

May gave me and my mom each a hug before getting into her car and driving away...

"Ready to go sweetie?"
My mom was really caring and fun to be around, she got the jokes that I made and joked along with me, I guess you could say that she's my best friend, besides Peter...

"Yeah, I think I am.."

That was the moment when everything changes, our story is about to pick up some major speed...
~Time Skip to Airport~

My mom had just pulled into the parking lot, we got my stuff out of the trunk, which you'd think there would be a lot because, I'm going away for so long, but all I had was a mediocre suitcase and a duffle bag.

There was a silence between me and my mom, I could tell that she was contradicting her decision of letting me go half around the world with someone she barely knew, she would rather let me go by myself than with a 41 year old man...

I was going to say something to comfort her, but I didn't know what to say, I'll I could think about was....



His smile faded when he reads that letter I left him, I hoped that he would forgive me when I came home, but.... what I was most worried about was him finding out that all that stuff on that letter was fake.

None, none of those words were true, ok that's a lie, the only thing that was true was that I would be returning home, I just didn't know when, that was the only sentence in that entire message that was true, and I don't want him finding out that I lied because he will be, not angry, but I guess in his words, betrayed....

We walked over to the section 3D, that was the location of the plane. We found, strange sitting in a chair, no not on his phone, but reading a book, about fricking MAGIC!

Of course the magic wielding doctor, would be reading a book about mythical, and magical beings!

I really wanted to yell 'GOOD JOB KEEPING A LOW PROFILE MR!' But I knew if that I would get more attention than the celebrity Tom Holland himself... (sorry I had to 😂😂😂)

"Hey" My Mom said grabbing his attention

"Oh, hello, sorry I didn't see you there, go ahead and sit down, we've still got a good hour and a half before the plane starts boarding..."

I looked at my phone, he's right it's 11:32 and the plane takes off at 12:57. Unless the pilots are ahead of schedule.

It's been about an hour since (yn) left and I haven't even touched that piece of paper that she left for me, I was afraid to look, I was afraid of reading something that would be better with out me knowing

My confidence finally decided to kick in, I picked up the note, held in my hands for a minute or two, and opened it. It was hand written, (yn) never hand writes anything

I began to read, I couldn't believe what I was reading

12:02, that is the current time, 55 more minutes until they start to board the plane, 55 more minutes that's all...


A man started running towards your section

"Oh god....!"

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