Chapter 16~Pep Pep Preppy Prep

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Hey guys ;) I dare ya' to try and say the title of this Chapter ten times, really fast. Bet you can't LOL

Anywho, Song to the right is "Blow" By Ke$ha. Thought it fit nicely. 

The picture is of what the Firefly cell phone Nahuel gave Elaine looks like xD 

            There is nothing better than the stench of sweaty bodies rubbing together through the halls (and yes I’m totally being sarcastic). I must admit however that it stills seems to boggle my mind on how distinct each smell is, the variety! There would be combinations of Porter Potties mixed with rancid milk, or even spoiled fruit blended with atrocious raw onions. It was all strong enough to have my eyes flooded with tears as I pinched my nose and refrained from breathing too deeply from my mouth. Yes, that’s right my taste buds could literally pick up the scent. Nevertheless, I had to deal as each unwashed body thrusted mine around like a ping-pong ball as we made our way to the gym. Out of all the places I’d rather be, the gym would hit the last on my list—in fact, it would get a spot on the list in general. The reason I was heading that way…or better said, the reason I’ being ushered forcefully that way is because Mustang High School was having its annual homecoming pep rally and all the students are required to go. As if I already wasn’t having a bad day, just add preppy cheerleaders cheering into your ear while the off key marching band blew their trumpets into your other will ya.

            Today, my parents left to catch their plane around five in the morning, so I disdainfully watched from the door as they waved a cheerful farewell. Then, I went back to sleep and woke up late—meaning I missed the bus and had to walk two miles up the road to get to school—not, to mention Nahuel hasn’t been too much fun since our discussion at lunch yesterday. He avoided any conversation that was remotely near the topic of yesterday, even when I tried to apologize for what I said he only brushed the apology away and continued to talk about random things like how amazingly good he was at soccer.

There was a rough pull on my shoulder, whirling me around so I came face to face with Aldana.

            “Hey, chica,” she winked, linking her arm with mine, “you excited for the rally?”

            “Far from it,” I grumbled, hanging my head as Aldana weaved us through the thick crowd, just as she did on my first day in the cafeteria. She barked out a laugh at my glumness but continued forward nonetheless.

            Once we were seated in the far back, I let out a shaky breath. The gym consisted of two floors that ran a full 360 degrees around the large room, leaving just the basketball court in the center as the main objective so wherever you sat you would still get a crystal clear view on the game. We were currently on the second floor that held the larger bleachers, however the first floor had one set only on opposite side of the court. The hardwood floor that made up the 94 by 50 foot court, had the painting of an elaborately made Mustang, all black with a milk white mane—that seemed to give the illusion of it flapping wildly in the wind—it’s hooves were a vibrant red, the two front legs were held high in the air as it balanced itself on only the hind legs. It was a stunning, well painted portrait, surely the pride symbol of this school. I reminisced on the mascot of my old school; it had been a Panther. All in black, however the school colors would be a midnight blue and white. I remember that back in Miami, I would paint paw prints on my cheeks when it was time to prepare for a pep rally. I had been on the cheerleading team back in the sixth grade, but soon dropped out when I realized that all the girls were good for nothing back-stabbers and nosy bitches.

             Aldana jabbed me playfully on my ribs with her elbow so my attention was back on her.

            “Why the long face?” she queried playfully, “This is a pep rally, not a testing room.”

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