Shall we?

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The last booksigning was drawing to a close. There were no people left and I was a little impatient to leave. I saw a dark figure in the corner of my eyes, but I didn't mind it until I noticed that it was moving towards me. I lifted my eyes and took in dark, wavy hair, a brown leather jacket and jeans, and then there was also the loveliest face you could ever imagine. “Benedict!”, I exclaimed. “Wha.. How.. Why?”, I stammered, completely confused. He was grinning from ear to ear. “Nice to meet you, too, Lily. I was passing through when I saw the posters of your booksigning.” He held up one of my books, which looked well-read already. “You read my book!”, I stated, completely surprised. “I guess I did. I liked the poem you recited, so I thought I'd give it a try. It's quite marvellous, you know. Many of your poems touched me deeply.” I stared into his eyes. Today they had a wonderful turquise colour, like the Caribbean sea in a storm. And then I took in his words. He'd read my poems! AND he'd liked them! It felt like a dream, such an overwhelming sensation. Then he held out the book, “Well, are you going to sign it or what? Write “For Benedict”, please.” I smiled dizzily, took the book, it's cover so well known. It was full of wrinkles from being folded over many times while reading. It was the best compliment a writer could get. I opened it on the first page and wrote: “For Ben. Love, Lily.” A sheepish grin spread across my face as I handed him back the book. He lifted an eyebrow, and then grinned right back at me. “Listen, Lily, how long do you have to stay? Would you like to go for coffee later?” he asked, still smiling so beautifully. “Black, two sugars, please”, I said without thinking, it was a joke I had made many times with Jackie. The look on Benedicts face was beyond priceless, he looked at me as if I was some alien, come here to embarrass him. I had to laugh out loud. “I'm so sorry, I didn't think. I don't always think. Please forgive me”, I pleaded with him. “The offer still stands”, was his answer. A glitter in his eyes told me that he did, indeed, see some humour in the situation, even if it was only from my reddening cheeks. This called for revenge. “You know, I don't think I'd like to.” His face fell slightly. “But then again, would you like to go for coffee with me?”, I asked. At first he looked a little confused, but then he suddenly understood , smiled and looked at me, “Well played.” Now he'd have to let me invite him. This time it was me who had outsmarted him, and I felt stupidly proud for that achievement. “Pick you up in an hour in front of the shop, will that work for you?”, he asked, looking perfectly happy. “I'll be waiting”, I answered. He grinned in response, put his, or rather my book away and left the bookstore. My heart was beating fast as I watched him go. I tried to catch every last glimpse of him in his badly fitted clothes that really didn't go together so well, but the man could wear a sparkly dress, combined with sneakers and a cowboy hat and still look stunning. As he left the store, I noticed that someone had recognized him. It was a girl, a little younger than me and quite beautiful and she practically jumped him. Jealousy rushed through me. Oh, for crying out loud, girl! The man just asked you out! Also, he seemed to be politely refusing the woman who was obviously making advances on him outside the store. He refuses a girl like that one, and asks me out for coffee. It was like some paradox. Surely reality would implode soon and end all life on earth. Whatever, I sure as hell wasn't complaining. “Who was that?”, Sandy asked, looking up from the book she was reading in a corner. These days she was always sitting next to me, “making sure that I was doing my job”, as she put it. Shit. She mustn't know it was him, or she would make it difficult. “Oh, you know, just someone I met in London.” It wasn't technically a lie, so I just hoped she would let it be. I looked at her and noticed she wasn't even listening.

Now, I had to wait for him for an entire hour. It was the longest hour I had ever suffered through. People came and went, some picked up one of the books stacked on the table before me, and a few of those asked for a signature. An older women came by and told me how much she had enjoyed my poems and that she was looking forward to the next one. I smiled, but my excitement stopped me from truly understanding the words. So I waited. And I suffered. Doubts kept nagging me because of the dream I had had and the conclusion I had reached, but the prospect of spending time with Benedict was too nice to let it bother me all too much. Still, I was aware of the emotional investment I had already made and that this second date might make it harder... Wait... Date! This was a date! It was a real date! Benedict had actually sought me out. Had he even been in town? Oh, but I was getting ahead of myself. I needed to take my mind off of him. I tried. I failed. After a while, I decided to write to Jackie. The message went something like “Omgomgomg Benreadmybook!!! omg COFFEE wBC!!!” I knew that she would understand. Sandy left after half an hour or so, not without mentioning that I should really start working on the concept for my next novel, and I started to incessantly check my watch. I had to collect the books and prepare to leave the store, so that helped pass the time... A little. Then, fifteen minutes. Still twelve minutes. Still eleven and a half minutes. Come on, time! Pass, will you?! I decided that I should try and look better. I went through my hair and refreshed what little make-up I had put on. When I looked up, I saw him standing outside the shop. He was just stunning. My heart began to pound in my chest and I felt as excited as I had when I had seen him the first time. His hair was now freshly dyed black, and the sun in his eyes made them shine so brightly, it was almost otherworldly. When he spotted me he smiled and said “Shall we?” Once again, I had no idea where we were going, because I had never been to this town. It was smallish and seemed to be quite old, with a crumbling castle somewhere on the hills far away. The streets were partially made from cobblestones. This time, luckily, I wasn't wearing high-heels, so no clacking, and I needn't fear that my shoes would get stuck. There was, of course, the downside that I was even smaller now compared to Benedict. I looked up to him, only to find that he was looking at me, too. “How have you been, Lily?”, his velvety voice breaking through the still air around us. “It was all quite.. challenging, but nevertheless wonderful. I've never experienced something quite like it. Sometimes the attention makes me uncomfortable but all in all I feel... accomplished.” “The feeling will pass”, he said. I wondered why he would say something like this. He must have seen me frown, because he suddenly added, “I didn't mean the feeling of accomplishment. I meant the discomfort with your fans. Believe me, it will get easier.” He smiled a crooked smile, half lost in memories of his own, and slowly strolled on ahead. I took the time to admire him and his perfect form. His broad shoulders. His shiny, wavy hair, that always made me want to ruffle it. His proud composure. He was truly something else. His stride was relaxed and a constant smile was tugging at his perfect lips. It was still cold, so with his jacket he was wearing a red, terribly mismatched scarf. It made me chuckle when I saw it. He must have seen me look at it, because he lifted it in front of me, eyes glittering with mischief, “You're not going to rip it off of me to smell on it, are you?” And that was his revenge for conning him into letting me pay for the coffee. “I don't know yet”, I said, dead serious, and looked him gravely in the eyes. Inside I was burning with shame, but this time, I didn't want him to see it. My response made him chuckle and I couldn't help but smile when I heard it. “Have you been here before, Benedict? Are we going anywhere in particular?” I asked, if only to change the subject. “No and no. You?” “Me neither. Let's just look for something cozy.” The town was old, and looked like it had seen better times, but it was charming. There were flowers hanging from almost every window, and people greeted you when you walked by. Sometimes they would stare at Benedict, probably wondering if it was him. He didn't even seem to notice anymore. There was a prolongued silence as we walked down the streets and each of us was lost in their thoughts. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Stupid pick up lines came to mind, like “Is God missing an angel? 'Cause you look like one”. It was so cheesy, I was almost glad I wasn't lactose intolerant, but in his case, it didn't even feel exaggerated. I was... smitten. I smiled, thinking how true it was. I imagined how his lips would feel like on mine. Ohh, the thought of kissing him warmed up my whole body. My cheeks burned intensely at the thought what he might think of me thinking this. I glanced at him and then, behind him, I saw the nicest little café. I said “Look”, and pointed towards it. Ben nodded and so it was decided.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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