Chapter 6

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I entered the Horse Section in the SPCA. It's my second day and I can't wait to see FlameHeart. I've stolen an apple from the fringe for training today.

FlameHeart rubbed his head gently against my shoulder as I lead him into a the round pen. "Okay Spark,(his nickname since he and be such a baby at times) here we go." I un lipped his lead and sent him trotted along the fence line.

"Go boy go!" I shouted waving one arm and banging the rope against my hip with the other. This is the first step in joining up.

I kept my body in line with his shoulders, in horse language I am urging him into a trot, I kept him at a trot until he had trotted four times around the corral. After four loops I turned so that my body was facing in front of him, he turned on his heels and started cantering in the other direction as if my shadow was solid and had stood in front of him.

After another four loops I allowed him to slowly stop. I walked towards him, when I was one and a half metres away from him I turned 180 degrees and stared, focused on the ground as I walked away from FlameHeart. I heard a sudden clip, clop of hooves on sand and smiled to myself as I walked around the corral. "Flamie your following me! You've joined up!"

I turned around to face him. I stretched out my hand and gently placed in under his forelock in between his eyes and laughed as he reached out to lick my top. "Ohhh your such a sweetie!" I've joined up with horses for Mary twelve times but no matter how many times I do it, I always get excited at the end! Joining up is like the one thing to do and ding! If you did it right the horse completely trust you!


"Elisabeth! Come quick you going on a rescue!"

Rebecca Peered into Flames stall as I refilled his water troff.

"A rescue! But I..."

"These no time! Come now!"

I shrugged my shoulders and hurried after her. I was going to tell her that blood and open wounds absolutely freaked me out!


"The kittens are stuck half way up this pipe! It's so tight they're suffocating so we have to be quick!"

While six people cut their way through the pipe I cleaned the the carriers cages and placed soft fluffy blankets. I managed to find some cat toys in the SPCA van so I chucked those in for a treat. "Oh boy, what do I do now? I've finished the cages!" I turned around to see the six people were still cutting up the pipe, "we're getting close to the kittens so be very careful!"

"I got one!" Anthony called out happily. "Here you take him Lizzy." The kitten he gave to me was black and white. His face was all black apart from his white chin, he had white whiskers around his nose. He licked my hand and meowed a ! I placed him in one of the cages in the boot of the van. "Here we are!" Mike smiled as he pulled out a wriggling and squirming kitten, this one was mostly ginger, his chin was white, his belly was white and he had white paws. He certainly suits the name Socks! He was very hard to hold still as I carried him to the cage. "Oh no!" One of the rescue ladies cried as she lifted out a tiny limp kitten. Finally everyone was able to pull out the rest of the kittens that were still in the pipe. "Is she.." She handed the limp pure white kitten to Mike. ( Mike is a highly trained vet. ) he sat down and pressed his finger on the kittens chest to feel a heart beat, I leaned over him, frightened of the possible answer. "She's alive but I need to get her back to the SPCA really quick!" A concerned look flooded over his face. He got up and carried the poor baby into the van. After all seven kittens were loaded safely into the cages he drove off as quick as possible.

"Looks like we're walking back!" Lucy laughed beside me. I walked over to Rebecca.

"How did the kittens get stuck in the pipe?"

"Oh well as you can see, the pipe is like a cone, it's wide at the end and slowly gets smaller. The gorgeous kittens decided to see how far they could get up!"

She laughed and I joined. "Hey Rebecca, I now this may be a lot to ask, me working in the Horse Section and all, but would it be alright if me and Lucy named the kittens? We've thought of some really cute names for them!?"


Just as she answered, her phone buzzed madly from her trouser pocket.

"Hi who's this?"

I could only hear a squeaky voice babbling a reply.

"Oh that's great!.. Yep we're on our way back! Thanks! Bye!"

She clicked off and stuffed the phone back down her pocket before turning to me, a refreshed smile plastered her youthful face.

"The kitten is fine! She had just blacked out! Mike named her Lilac!"

"Oh that was quick!" I said, relieved. "Yeah mike said she woke literally once she was laid down on the CheckUp table!"

We chatted and chatted about each other as we walked down the road back to the SPCA.


Okay! Do you think I went to fast with FlameHeart? On a different note, how do you like the kittens!

Please keep reading because Something happens in chapter eight! Something important!

Happy reading!

Miracle HorseWhere stories live. Discover now