Chapter 17

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Survivors POV

Elisabeth's body is swelling with uncertainty. But on the other hand, I feel like my insides are scrunching together. I'm poisoned, I don't know what with. I need Elisabeth to send word to Mike the so called "vet" that heals sick animals. I just need her attention.

Elisabeth's POV

I need my mouth to explain, but before I could utter a single word, Lisa draped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight
"... Please don't be mad Lisa, I had to!" I finally finished explaining.

So that was that. Lisa skipped past me, patting each and every new horse as she worked her way down the aisle.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I happily stirred Survivors feed, adding in a touch of sweet molasses while humming cheerfully to myself.

Survivor nickered excitedly, bobbing his head up and down as he pounced out of his stall and impatiently trotted towards me. I let out a chuckle, he had somehow or other mastered the technique of unlocking stalls."here you are baby boy!" I cooed. Survivor snorted at the feed. Spinning on his heels and drooping his head.

I immediately requested for Mike. "He's not eating anymore. And he's drooping his head all the time." I don't take any chances with horses refusing to eat their feed, especially when it has there favourite treat in it!

Mike cautiously examined Survivor as he stood patiently inside his stall. After what seemed like eternity, Mike stood up. "I need to take him to my clinic, something's definitely wrong but I can't put my finger on it without my medical supplies." I merely nodded a reply and he clipped a lead rope onto Survivors halter and led him away.

In the Checkup room I watched intently as Mike listened to Survivors pulse, felt his legs and body for swelling. "I can't find anything wrong, I'll have to ex ray him." I nodded weakly.

I was just about to enter the ex ray room to comfort my beloved Survivor but Mike simply stood in my way. "You can't come in I'm sorry. You'll ask constant questions, and I can't focus when people ask questions." He exclaimed matter-of-factly. Tears threatened to burst. I stood in front of the door trembling all over. "Calm down Elisabeth, it's only a stomach ache!" I whispered to end the trembling. But no matter what I did, one thought nagged at me in the back of my mind. What if it was something more? Like death related? I know I'm sweating too much. Sure I'm over-exaggerating. My heart beat slowed, and my shaking seased.

Lucy hurried through the glass door. The chilly, autumn breeze wiped the sticky sweat off my forehead. "How's Survivor?" She asked. It was obvious that Lucy and Rebecca cared for all horses equally, even if they have their own. "Hav'in an ex ray." I replied solemnly. She shrugged.

"Well its probably just a tummy ache."

"Yeah I hope you're right!"

As if on que, Mike suddenly swung open the door. Accidentally slamming me in the face. "Ouch my nose!" I yelped. Rubbing it gently. Mike looked at me but didn't comment. Just stood there, every inch of his face, grim. The hair at the back on my neck pricked.

This can't be good.


Do you think I rushed it with Lisa? 😑 If any of you think that some parts should be changed, or could be edited better then please comment.

So what's gonna happen to Survivor? 😲 Is he sick? 😷 Or not? You'll never know unless you keep reading! 😍

🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎 stay calm and love horses!🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎

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