Chapter 19

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I dragged myself to my feet and left the barn.


At the SPCA Survivor wasn't his usual cheeky, bouncy self. His flanks heaved with painful breaths. Weirdest of all, the proud dappled head hung shamefully low, his breath blowing the hay about his face.

Instantly, the image of his frightened, skinny, sick body the day he arrived here shot into my brain as if it was a bullet. Terror stuck me and I bounded down the yard, searching tirelessly for Mike.


I nibbled my fingers as far as I could. Mike bent down and examined Survivor. His face held no expression. It was as if Mike went into a kind of trance when working with horses, leaving behind not a single detail. No one interrupted him when he was like this, for fear of crushing his delicate thoughts.

After what seemed like hours of imaging the worst possible diagnosis, Mike woke up from his trance and turned to face me. His face grim.

"Liver poisoning and a burst appendixes." I nearly dropped to my knees in horror. Liver poisoning was bad enough, but a burst appendix too? Tears threatened to flood my face. Mike sighed and replied. "I need to take him to surgery at once." With that, he lead Survivor into the surgery room and closed the door before I could follow.

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