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Mt. Ebott, the cursed mountain, legend has it that those who climb the mountain will disappear and is never to be seen again. Some believe that the mountain devours anyone who travels on its path, others believe that they are taken to a different world where the Monsters reside. No one knows the truth because no one has ever come back after setting foot on the said mountain. But some people are still foolish and travel on the trail towards the mountain.

A child had climbed the mountain for reasons unknown. She had been careless when she stepped foot into a dark carven, due to her carelessness she fell into a dark bottomless pit, or at least her perception until her body collided with a bed of golden flowers. Pain shot through as she began to feel the effects of the impact. The child screamed and groaned in pain as she tried to get up.

"H-help! Help me please!" screamed the young child.

Footsteps echoed, they were rushed, it was obvious someone had heard the child's screams. The child was surprised to see who had come to her aid, well to be more specific, what had come to her aid.

"It sounds like it came from over here..."

A child, around her age, had come to answer her screams but there was something different about this child. The child was no human but they are monster. The structure of the monster child's face resembled a Nubian goat, but they have paws instead of hooves, and they also stood upright. The monster child gasp as they looked at the fallen one, immediately rushing to their side.

"Oh! You've fallen down haven't you... Are you okay? Here let me help you up"

The monster child had helped up and put an arm around his shoulder for support as they began walking bit by bit.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" asked the monster child

"Chara... my name is Chara..."

"That's a nice name, my name is Asriel" replied the now smiling monster child whom is known as Asriel.

The two continued to walk around The Ruins, as from Asriel's statement on the name of the place where Chara had fallen. After what felt like hours of walking for the injured Chara they reached a small house at the end of the ruins. It gave off a warm aura and it really felt like home.

"Mom! Dad! Come quick!" screamed Asriel as they pass by a tree with its red leaves surrounding it.

Two sets of footsteps were heard and soon the door to the house was opened. There stood two more goat monsters similar to Asriel. One appeared to be female, she has a pair of visible fangs and long eyelashes, and her irises have a dark red tint, she was also wearing a dress that had a weird symbol on it for Chara's opinion. The injured child assumed the other to be a male, a golden blond mane and beard, and two large curved horns. He wore a pink sweater with small white flower designs imprinted in the sweater. The two monsters gasp and rushed to aid Chara, sadly she couldn't stay conscious anymore as black invade her vision.

A groan escaped Chara's lips as she slowly woke up. Opening her eyes she saw it was slightly dark, she waited for her vision to adjust to the darkness and she began to look around. From Chara's observation it seem like a bedroom, a child's bedroom to be exact so she could only assume it was Asriel's bedroom. She didn't seem to feel pain anymore like she had earlier. Light seep through an opening door and soon light invaded the whole space as a light switch was turned on. She covered her eyes to protect it from the sudden brightness.

"You're awake! Mom! Dad! Chara's awake now!" Asriel said with a smile on his face

"Asriel please keep your voice down, it's not good to scream near someone who just woke up, it might startle them" Asriel's mother began to walk to Chara and sat down on the edge of the bed

"Greetings child, I am Toriel"

From that point on Chara stayed with Asriel's family, over time the two children became close, treating each other as siblings. Soon enough she became a part of the family, Chara and Asriel would play until their hearts content within the Underground with a skeleton watching them under his friend's request. But alas not all children are entertained for long. Slowly yet surely she began to feel bored of the routine she has. Asriel has also observed this along with his parents. The parents didn't know what to do, they knew that one day the children would get bored of the Underground but they didn't think it would happen so soon to Chara. The said young child was now lying in bed, it was time for her to sleep. With a kiss goodnight on the forehead from Toriel she began to fall asleep.

Darkness surrounded her, she could feel everything around her, she was asleep right? Chara's eyes look around to only find an endless horizon of darkness, thinking it will end she began to walk. She walked for some amount of time before she saw a yellow glow, with hope for light within the darkness she began to run. Chara ran to the light only for her to find two words within a box.

"Continue?... Reset?..."

Curiosity began to fill her as her hand glided to the reset button, she had a hunch on what continue means so she pressed reset. Much to her surprise she was back at the ruins, feeling pain, she screamed for help and there came Asriel.

"Asriel thank gosh! Help me please!"

"H-how do you know my name?"


Much to Chara's dislike the events on the day she met Asriel happened once more. From there, everything was a series of Déjà vu, so to solve her curiosity once more, she reset and the same results were given to her. She kept resetting and resetting getting the same results causing her boredom to grow even more. She had lost count how many times she had reset, she kept getting bored so easily, nothing could really entertain her. She tried different things but to her dismay it just ended with her getting bored. Chara had already knows that she has lost count of how many times she had reset but she noticed that every reset it seems the skeleton that watched her and Asriel before had observed her even more every time her and Asriel spent time with him. She would see him watching from the distance, some would think he was only watching them due to his friend's request, but Chara might just be mistaken on her theory.

Chara watched as Asriel walked in front of her in the snowy grounds of Snowdin as they walked home. She remembered something that was told to her in a previous reset, she began to smile and she once again reseted. The same things happened once again, like a regular routine for Chara but one day that routine broke. The two children had gone missing. No one has seen them. The King and Queen along with their loyal subjects, searched the whole underground and yet they only found Chara.

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