Book 1 (Kindness) Part 2

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"Heh... Rough time huh bud?" Sans began as the scarf he wore was now in his hand

"What?" the child asked with confused tone

"I know what's going on bucko... You got that kid under YOUR possession... Haven't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"I'm not dumb Chara. You don't think I know how you act after all those resets?"

"Resets? What are you talking about Sans?"

"Oh don't think that I didn't know about all the times you freaking went back in time to make a new timeline kid"

"I really don't know what your talking about"

"You don't think I don't know all the times you made everyone suffer by doing the same crap over and over again"

"Sans, I don't know what's a Reset"

"Quit lying bucko. Who else would have gotten so bored easily? Who else has enough determination?"

"I don't know what your talking about!"

"Shut up! I know it's you! Ya little brat!"

It was the first time Abigail had ever heard Sans yell. His voice boomed loudly throughout the empty hall. This person, Chara, looked down. She started to shake but not in fear, but in laughter. Her laugh echoed out throughout the passageway, it could have easily sent chills down anyone's back. Her laughter was purely evil, its malicious intent seemed to grow worse as the laughter rang out.

"... Well done... Comedian. You solved my puzzle..." a glare was all she received as she smiled evilly

"So then..." she took a step closer

"Why don't we... Play a game!"

Chara began to attack and naturally Sans would fight back. He clutches his brother's scarf as they fight. Attacks were thrown left and right, both of them. She dies numerous times but always comes back due to her determination. The fight carried on and Abigail cries as she watches the fight. Bones were thrown from top to bottom. Her body gets thrown against the walls. Weird wolf like skulls firing lasers directed at her. Slashing of knives is also present as attacks either get deflected or avoided, the same knife slashes were used to attack the said skeleton. Sans dodges the knives each time taunting Chara about how she missed. Bones would be deflected by the knife as a wave of bones went on.

"Is that the best you can do Comedian?!" Screamed Chara

"I'm just getting started!"

And with that another wave of bones were thrown at Chara. She continued to avoid it by jumping, moving aside, even using the knife to deflect the attacks. Upon jumping she was flung into the back wall where bones awaited, but to stop it she stabbed a pillar. She growled a bit and prepared to assault Sans again. Wolf like skulls were summoned again, as they gathered energy another wave of bones went. Some were blue, and the others were regular white bones. Chara only got half way towards Sans before the blast of energy was sent towards her, she barely dodged them due to the succession of the attacks. Slowly but surely her HP was going down as she got closer and closer to him. The attacks kept on going, it didn't stop, Abigail's unheard cries grow worse as she sees how Chara is getting closer and closer to Sans. She doesn't want this, she never has and never will so she once again fought for control. After what felt like an eternity, Abigail finally regained her power when Sans' soul slowly begins to shatter.

"No... no, no, nonono, NO!" she grabbed the shattering soul

White soon invaded her vision causing her to close her eyes. The next thing she saw when she opened up her eyes was white and Sans standing in front of her.


"Heh... Hey kiddo..." his head was hung low

"Sans... I...." his usual white pupils were not seen in his eyes as he kept his head hung low

"Give up kid..." his voice sounded so broken

"W-What?" confusion was laced in Abigail's voice

"Give up... I did..."

"Sans... What are you talking about?"

"Kid its pointless. This cycle is gonna keep on going"

"What Sans? What are you talking about?"

"The Resets... things are gonna go back and it's gonna be happen again"

"What?" asked Abigail voice laced with more confusion

Sans let out a tired sigh. "Like I said to Chara earlier, Resets basically can turn back time and create new timelines. If you can do that then different outcomes can and will happen. What hurts the most for me is that I am the only to remember everything... what hurts even more I get to see the same bad things happen over and over again" he explained

"I gave up... There's no point... The Underground is already empty... there's nothing we can do anymore bud... That brat's gonna be stuck here..." scoffing he continued to look down

"And maybe... she will reset and do a peaceful run..." his voice was filled with longing

"And maybe one day... We'll be free... I won't have to watch my friends and family die...but that doesn't look like it will happen. So buddy... Just give up..." Sans' monologue ended with the same broken tone

Abigail felt sympathy for him, she didn't know any of this and yet she had felt so much emotion from all the things he said. It was clear that whatever Chara was doing, it was hurting Sans to the point where he finally have give up. And yet he spoke with such defeat that it angered her as she yelled


"I ain't messing around kid"


"YEAH! IT'S ALL A GAME! THAT'S HOW THAT BRAT TREATS IT!" Tears were running down at Abigail's face as Sans faced her

"THIS ISN'T JUST SOME GAME!" she wiped away her tears as Sans kept staring

"Sans, I know I don't know what you have been through but we can't let Chara win... We can't give up now Sans..." Abigail said

"Do you know how much it hurts to live the same things over and over again?" he asked with his tone broken again

"No, but I can tell it was painful"

"It is... Being the only one to remember... It hurts... No matter how I tell the others they'll just forget..." he looked away

"Sans that can all end... We just have to fight together or everything is over... We can't let Chara take away lives... We just can't anymore Sans... If you can't do it by yourself then...I can try and help you as well...We need to do this..." her hand was extended to him

"Together..." She smiled at him, a real genuine smile.

Sans contemplated but soon he let go of the scarf he was holding and grabbed Abigail's hand. A golden hue began to wrap around the two. It grew brighter and brighter to the point where it was blinding. So the two closed their eyes. Abigail was afraid, she had thought it was the so called reset that Sans talked about, Sans, on the other hand, was asking questions in his head on what was happening, he had a hunch but he wasn't sure. But one thing was sure about the emotions of the two, they were both confused on what was happening. They both felt that they were growing stronger, like a lightning bolt had hit them and given them a surge of power. 

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