Book 1 (Kindness) Part 3

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Abigail then opened her eyes only to see Chara's face laced with anger. The confusion for Abigail grew as she saw Chara in front of her. She was sure that the only one in front of Chara was Sans. She began to panic not knowing where her friend was. Her eyes frantically looked around but she couldn't as Chara began to attack. She moved away from Chara's attack and briefly saw her hand, it was just bones. She began to attack more as Abigail kept avoid Chara's attacks, but just barely as her thoughts and questions were distracting her.

"ABIGAIL FOCUS!" screamed an all too familiar voice


"Just listen to me and focus on this fight!" his voice echoed in her mind

Chara was once again close to attacking Abigail but Sans had told her to dodge. She followed every last instructions Sans gave. Attempts were made in making bone attacks and teleportation but they weren't all successful. The fight dragged on as time passed and Abigail was slowly feeling tired but at the same time she was getting used to attacking with Sans' attacks.

"Abigail, I want you to focus on creating a gaster blaster"

"How?" she whispered, enough for Sans to hear as she dodged Chara's knife

"Focus. Build up enough energy and thinking of the shape of the blaster. Once the power is enough, snap your fingers and it will be summoned. Now it's gonna take a bit of time so stall as much as you can. You can still use bone attacks but keep it to a minimum. I know it's risky but I know you can do it kid"

Abigail followed Sans' directions. She gathered magic and began to imagine the shape of the gaster blaster, at the same time she attacked with a few bones and dodged Chara's knife. She tried her best to keep a great amount of distance between her and Chara. Time passed she was starting to panic even more as Chara was closing in on her, but Sans had helped her by continuing to instruct her, keeping her in the right mindset.

"Alright everything's ready now kid, all you gotta do is snap your fingers" stated Sans. Abigail while still confused heavily finally built up confidence as she smirks and together, they say "Now then... looks like someone wants to have a bad time..."

With a snap of her fingers, the weird wolf like skull appeared and its eyes were glowing green. It charge up an attack and aimed at Chara. She was soon frozen in fear and shock as she watched what was happening before her. Soon enough the wolf like skull had fired its attack, barely hitting Chara. A sharp pain erupted through her body, she looked down only to see a bone sticking out of her.

"Damn... You... Comedian..." the sound of a shattering soul followed after

Gritting her teeth Chara was furious on what just had happen. She went back to the darkness of the void and there she found two words within a box. Continue and Reset. She pressed Reset, she smirked expecting the outcome of Abigail or another human to falling down into the underground.

Abigail just woke up, panting. She had assumed it was only a nightmare until she looked at her hands. Abigail was surprised because she only saw bones and no skin. She got up from the bed and began to look around the room. Sans was then in front of her, his body was incorporeal. This caused another scream from Abigail due to surprise but she soon snapped out of it and stared at Sans. She stared for she did not believing what she is seeing.

"We're... still unified?" asked the ghostly Sans

"Why are we still unified?"

"Well, the right question is HOW and WHY. Usually the resets put things back in place, kinda like time travel, as I explained earlier"

"Wait- a Reset can do that?"

"Yeah, but not everyone can do it. Only the ones with the most determination can"

"So... I can't Reset?"

"Yeah, you have a green soul kid, don't get me wrong, you still have determination but red souls are the ones that holds most determination"

"But that doesn't really answer the main question I asked"

"Yeah, you did change it kiddo. Anyways for the how and why part I honestly don't know, I mean I could try to look it up for the how part. But that will require a lot of research, and since we're unified and you're controlling the body that means you have to do most of the work. And for why, maybe there's a reason for it." Sans explained

"Apparently so..." She replied

"That's really odd..." she continued as she scratched her skull questions began to flood into her head

It seemed like they had startled the other of the occupants as they heard footsteps run to their location. Suddenly the door was slammed open which caused Abigail to jump back a bit.


The two noted their fear. Papyrus was there, the cinnamon roll of a skeleton stood at the doorway looking at Abigail with worried look into his face. It was understandable because Sans and Papyrus were brothers so its normal for one to worry about the other, especially if there was a scream involved. Abigail thought it was cute, it made her remember her older sister, Nikola. This was the same scenario whenever she felt that her older sister was in trouble, now that she was thinking of her sister  it made her miss home.


Papyrus looked at his brother weirdly. All the years he has been living with his brother he knew how he looks like, and even the clothing style he has memorized it to the final detail. He does the chores of the house so he is very much aware of his brother's clothing. He was curious but mostly questioning why did he change it all of a sudden.

"WHY ARE YOU WEARING A GREEN HOODIE?" the cinnamon roll asked

"Um... I just thought you'd be green with envy if I wore this" she chuckled nervously


Laughter was heard at Papyrus's reaction and soon the rant about the puns. Abigail smiled and spent some time with Sans' brother. After a while she went to the sentry station near the ruins entrance. She had been throwing bone attacks left and right, training, well mostly playing around to get used to her new found powers. She had the basics of bone attacks down to her core, in fact she was even twirling one as a few more floated behind her.

"Looks like Chara won't give up so easily"


Sans leaned against the pole of the sentry station watching Abigail stop making the bones float. With a sigh Abigail laid her head on the sentry station which causes Sans to worry a bit. It seemed the fight and what happened after was still taking a toll on her. She was still a child so it's natural for her to be confused with the situation. Sans stared at the kid before he finally decided to speak.

"Jeez, are you alright Abi?"

"Just thinking how we could defeat Chara..." disappointment was laced in her voice

"You do realize we can't defeat her on our own right?" she asked

"I do" sighing he stopped leaning against the pole

"So what are we gonna do?" 

"I guess we just wait for the next human to fall"

Silence soon fell between the two as they stared at one another. He was the first one to break the stare as he began to think of ways to train Abigail. She just suddenly inherited his body so she doesn't know much about magic or how to fully control it. Sans knows that Abigail had a long way to go before she could get used to it but with practice and some time, he knew Abigail will be able to control his magic.

"You're good at pretending to be me"

"You mean I'm sans-sational at it?"

The two fell silent for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. They laughed to their heart's content. Enjoying the calm before the storm. Enjoy they're peaceful moments before another human arrives.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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