..And Things Starts To Uncover

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Chapter 3

His question left me thinking. I don't know about any place. And I guess the same thought rushed in his mind too. He chuckled softly and said,

"We can go to my home. Or you want me to take you somewhere outside?"

"Umm.. I-i.."


He mumbled low. I don't know how he does it. His voice seems so soothing and safe. The way he mumbled the words hmm activated up my systems. Hey! Cassie! Are you nuts? What's gotten into you? Push your feelings aside and just answer him. My subconsciousness pull me back to the reality and I shyly reply him in a tone that almost was inaudible.

"Yes.. your home. I'll go there." I said it almost in my month.

"Okayy, let's head to our homee". He coaxed bringing out a smile that was irresistibly attractive. My mouth twitched into a giggly smile as I heard him say our home. He is so sweet!

I kept looking out of the window the rest of whole time rubbing my fingers into each other as Doc John drove us to his home.

"Okay so here it is.. home sweet home."

He parked the car and open the front door of his home. He walked in and I followed him. It was magnificent house with stone walls and lavish furniture. The house paint reflecting a graceful view. He led me to his room which was as classy as himself. There was a fireplace in front with an LED TV on it. The bed was cozy with a large window. The room was perfect. I was looking at the bookshelf when he said,

"Feel like home Cassie. Make yourself a sitting. I'll just come."

He went out shutting the door gently. I looked around again, choosing for a place to sit and then sat on the sofa that was near the window at the end of the bed. I took out a heavy breath and rested my face my hands, feeling bored. UHH.. what's taking him so long? Suddenly the door cracked with a light sound and he entered, with a small tray of deliciously smelling chocolate dripping cupcakes. He pulled a small table near his bed to me and placed the tray, then sat down on the sofa with me.

"I brought your favorites. Tell me do you like them?" He asked with his head tilted and a smile in a rakish angle. Wait, how does he know about my favorites? I never had cupcakes while staying in the asylum. The thought made me tingle but I have to be casual. I looked down to the appetizing food and without thinking something else I started eating.

"Umm... T-t-There are delicious!" I moan without realizing his presence, but the sound of his slight chuckle brought me back to reality. I awkwardly look down on the plate and whisper,

"Thankyou, Doc John. Thanks for everything you did up till now."

"2 Wrongs.."

"Huh?" I reflexed up my eyebrow, confused.

"Firstly, I am not Doc John. I am not your doctor here, I brought you here as my friend, so I am only JOHN. Andd.. secondly I havn't done anything up till now. I just offered you cupcakes."

"N0..".I chuckled softly,"I meant thanks for back there. For taking care of me.You spend most of your duty hours with me.. and .."


"A-a-And also for saving my life.. that from the fire in the boathouse. Thankyou so much."

I smiled at him innocently widening my blue eyes to him. He saw my face and began staring at it. His prolonged continuous gaze was now making me uncomfortable cause for every move which I made was keenly detected by him. I could feel him watching my hands rubbing in nervousness that brought a small smile on his face. Then he took a deep sigh and stood up.

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