A second meeting

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You sat down on your hotel bed, feeling the soft cotton blankets as you lay down. Feeling your eyes drop as you went to sleep.

But just as you were about to fall completely asleep, you hear knocking on the door.

Getting up as you open the door you see the one and only Markiplier standing there!

You gasp a bit. "Oh, hello Mark."

Mark smiles. "Hey! I wrote on your wrist earlier today!" He smiles.

You blush slightly, nodding slighlty. "Yeah....What brings you here?" You ask.

"Oh." Mark rubbed his neck. "Well, Wade and Bob decided to play a prank on me and take the cards to my room. And, I'm not trying to be creepy, but I need some place to crash for just a bit."

You smile. Moving out of the way so he can come in. "Sure Mark."

Mark walked in with a smile. "Thanks."


You had been able to get sleep these nights. But you still felt 'Dark' watching you closely. Every movement you made, you knew he was watching.

'Can't he just get a different hobby then stalking me?!' You think as you lay down on your bed with a huff.

"No can do sweetheart, I'm going to be watching you if you like it or not." Dark spoke, making you jump up.

"What the hell?! Stop scaring me!" You hiss, making him laugh.

"But (y/n), it's FUN to scare you!~" He purred. Laying down on the bed more.

"Oh, and I'm staying here with you for awhile. I made someone pissed at me." He hums.

You glare at him.


Google was very different then you had hoped. He was rude and mean, you were hoping to be friends with him. But he seemed like he didn't care.

But, when you did hurt yourself, he did seemed worried, helping you quickly. It was at least something. Right?

You were very confused on his feelings about you, some days he hates you, some days he can deal with you. And other days you just didn't know about.

But, this Day was a day that he could deal with you. And you were happy about that.

Of course. He is a jerk, but, he's a jerk You own. Literally.

Google didn't speak much, and he didn't spend time with you much. But you didn't mind. As long as he didn't hurt you or anything.


Host was very quiet once he moved in. He didn't do anything but mumble to himself in third person.

You always cooked for him, which he would thank you for, but he would only eat silently as he 'looked' up at you.

You didn't want your friends coming over. What are you gonna do?

Just tell them that you let a random person just move into your home after he stalked you?! No way!

Host asked you a lot of questions, it started out normal. Like, "what's your favorite color?" And "What is your dream job?"

But then it started to get weird. Him asking you questions like "How do you move around so effortlessly?" Or "What is it like having eyes? Are they wet and colorful?"

But, you got through them. You just kept thinking.

'He'll Be Fine once's this feeling is gone....'

Wilford Warfstache:

You had bumped into Wilford at the park, he looked like he was looking for something, or someone. But once he saw you. He quickly stopped.

He ran over to you, greeting you again and making some jokes to lighten up the mood.
Some made you laugh.
Others made you roll your eyes.

But, Wilford was just born silly, or so he said. But it doesn't matter, you were actually glad to hang out with him.

And you got to know him s litter better as well, did you know that he has these so called 'Brothers'?

"They annoy the hell out of me!" Wilford groaned. "But, I still tolerate them." He snickers.

This, made you chuckle just a bit. Finally checking the time. Telling him you had to leave.

But, he asked you if he could bunk with you for a few weeks. And of course.

You said yes.

Markiplier Boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now