Will you marry me?

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Mark took a deep breath, You two were on stage at PAX and Mark stopped everyone, getting on one knee in front of you.

"(Y/n)? I crave you in the most innocent form. I crave to say goodnight and give you forehead kisses every morning when I wake. And to say that I adore you when you feel at your worst. I crave you in ways I want to to be next to you and nothing less.....Will you marry me? And forever be my player one?" He had tears, nervous.

You choked on your own breath, the crowed cheering you on. "Y-Yes Mark.....YES!"


Dark slowly got on his knees, the moonlight glowing on you two as Dark began to speak.

"(Y/n), I will love you till our last breath is the one we give to each other. I will love you until the daylight reveals your darkened skin. I will love you through every heartache and every stolen dream. I love you more when that is what needed most. I will love you in ways no one ever loved before. Will you please make this demon happy, and marry me?"

The moon seemed to glow more, just begging for your answer as you stare at him. "Yes Dark....I love you. And I will always love you..."


Google stared at you, you both were in the park, but he stopped you, getting on a knee for you as everyone turned their head.

"I will forever cherish the day I became yours and you became mine. It was on that day that my life changed forever, the day that my best dream came true. I will never stop showing you how much I care. I am Your Google AI, my primary adjective is to answer any question you have. My secondary objective is to marry you...."

You started to cry, your heart beating faster then ever as you only nodded.


You open your front door to see a note left by host. Picking it up it said:

"Host is in this for the long ride. Host is here to make you laugh and smile. Host is here to stand by you at every moment. Host is here to stay and give you a journey of a life time. Till the end of time. Host is here now and forever. Will you marry Host?"

Looking up you see Host holding out a ring for you. "What does (y/n) say?...." "Yes.....Yes Host." You sob happily.


Wilford sighs. Looking at you, he was having dinner with you in public. He finally got on his knee.

"(Y/n)? I love you for giving me your heart to me and trusting me with your pride. I love you for wanting me to be by your side. I love you for the emotions I never knew had for you. I love you for making me smile whenever I feel sad. I love you for all the times we would be together. And I just want to ask a simple question for you. Will you marry me?"

Everyone started to clap for you as Wilford finally pushed the ring on your finger.

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