Trying to do shower sex

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((I got this idea from my friend. She was just like. "You know how people try to do shower sex? What if their making out and stuff. And get soap in their mouths. That would be funny." And here we are....))


At first. You didn't like the idea of shower sex. What if you could do it right? What if you or Mark slipped and fell?

Mark convinced you otherwise.

To get you relaxed. He let you shower like normal at first. But he got in with you after a few minutes. Holding your body to his chest. Making you blush.

You could feel his member at your ass. Making you squirm a bit. Telling him that you were uncomfortable.

He loosened his grip. Kissing your neck a bit. As if trying to calm you down.

But of course. That didn't work.

Mark slipped. Cursing loudly as you fell on top of him.

"M-Mark! I'm sorry!" You gasp. Making him sigh. "It's alright...."

Mark and you got up. Mark sighing. "Maybe we should just....not do that again."


Dark was very exited when you agreed to do shower sex. He thought it was gonna be easy.

But he was wrong. He didn't know where to pin you, and he didn't know how he was gonna enter you.

But most importantly. He just couldn't lift you. Your body covered in soap. Making you almost slip from his hands.

He quit, just letting the water hit his back as you laugh. Holding your gut.

Dark rolled his eyes. Turning away to the water with a groan.

You kiss his back. Chuckling slightly as you wash out your hair. Humming.

Dark soon got out with you. Both of you drying yourselves off.

"You tried Dark." You told him. "You tried."


Google wasn't ready, but he was also ready at the same time. You get me? He just didn't know how to do it in the shower.

He looked up a few ways. But most of them involved something to lean on like a foot rest or something.

He just went with you riding him as the water hits your back, making you have pleasure and a tingling feeling in your back.

But it didn't go as planned.

He couldn't see your wonderful moaning face. Your wet hair blocking it from his view.

This made him very pissed. Like. Really pissed.

He didn't want to EVER do it again!


Everything was going perfectly fine at first. He let you wash your hair a bit before he started it.

You two were just making out. Using some tongue in it. Lots of tongue actually.

So much tongue that some soap got into Host's mouth. Making him quickly pull away. Spitting out the soap.

You finally noticed he ate soap. Laughing to yourself. Patting his back as he washed out his mouth.

You kissed his cheek. "Don't worry Host. At least you didn't eat much." You mumble to him. Hugging his back as he let out a slow chuckle.

Wilford Warfstache:

Wilford was just about to enter you. Whispering sweet things into your ear as he rubbed your ass with his tip.

He kissed your neck, but stopped as he quickly jerked away. Cursing loudly.

He had gotten soap into his eyes, trying to wash out the intense burning feeling inside his eyelids.

You tried to help him. Shutting off the water and wiping a towel on his eyes. Kissing his forehead and saying sorry over and over.

After awhile. The burning stopped. Making him sigh in relief.

"That was a bit harder then I expected." He mumbled with a pout. Crossing his arms.

((Need some ideas))

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