He try's to ask you out

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Mark was just getting ready, pacing around on your porch. Giving himself a pep talk as he took a deep breath. Knocking on your door.

Once you opened. He waved shyly. Smiling nervously.

"Oh, hey Mark! What are you doing here so early? I thought we were gonna hang out later today."

"W-Well." Mark bites his lip. "I've just been wanting to t-tell you something. Important."

You frown. "Oh, what is it?"

Mark gulps. "W-Will...you...play video games with me on my channel tomorrow? I was thinking Mario cart!"

You smile. "Sure! I would love too Mark!" You grin. Waving him a goodbye before closing the door.



Dark, being the demon he was. Didn't know how to do this 'love' things. So he was just going to straight up tell you.

Once he finally got the moment to talk to you though. He felt....frozen, and stiff as a board.

You wave your hand in front of his face, frowning. "Dark? Hello? Darkiplier!"

He blinks his eyes, looking at you. "I-I....uhh....f-forgot What I was gonna say...."

You rose a brow, nodding slowly. "Okay?...Well. If you need me. I'll be out to game stop. Bye!"

As you left, Dark was cursing to himself. Telling himself that he was better then this.


Google looked up so many ways he could ask you out. From a picnic, to the movies, and even just straight up talking to you. But, he went with....chocolates.

He held the box of chocolates close to him, looking at your bedroom door as he got ready to knock. But stopped himself.

'What if she thinks I'm creepy and just sends me back?' He thought, sighing lowly.

He walked off. Throwing the chocolates into the trash as he sat down on the couch. Sighing as he shuts himself down.


Host knew about love, and he planned everything to go perfect. Or at least, that's what he thought.

When he did ask you to the park however, you were late due to traffic. Host tried to stay calm.

But he just couldn't. He was sweating rapidly. Making you notice this.

"Host? Are you okay?-" But you didn't have time to speak as he got up.
Running off without you.

You tried to catch up to him, but you failed to do so. But you kept wondering what was wrong.

You just wanted to help him.

Wilford Warfstache:

Oh yeah! Wilford was ready! He was just gonna walk up to you, flatter you, and then ask you out. It was gonna be so easy!

But, it wasn't.

He wasn't ready, he kept tripping over his own feet, when he tried to flatter you. He kept stuttering and blurting our random words! It wasn't easy, it was hard!

After the whole thing was over, you had no idea what he was trying to ask you. But when you asked him to say that again.

He wouldn't. He would just be standing there. Shocked and stiff. And every time you tried to snap him out of it.

He would just stand there!

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