At the beach

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Mark would show off his body to you, trying to impress you by joining a weight lifting contest. But you didn't need him to join as you already knew he was amazing by just being his girlfriend. But you started to laugh to yourself as other men were clearly lifting even heavier weights then him. Mark trying to challenge them.

After it was done, Mark lays on the towel all day with an ice pack on his shoulder. He mumbled to himself that he will never again lift so much weight. Which you only rolled your eyes as you continues to rub his shoulders to help stop the pain. 


Dark was very smug when it comes to the beach, he loves seeing your body in that swim suit. He just loves everything about the beach. The burning sand on his feet, the sun trying to burn him but not working. The cold waves of the sea cooling down his body heat.

He mostly loved you, he may be called a pervert but his eyes can't help but wonder to your slim legs and your beautiful chest and stomach. He would be glad that eyes are on you. Knowing that men can look but can't touch. It made him feel powerful with you in his arms.


Google said that you needed to go out more for a healthy life with social interaction. And more vivid C from the sun, so he suggested a trip to the beach. You quickly jumped onto the idea of the beach, wanting to make sandcastles all day. And look for seashells with him.

For the rest of the day you dragged Google all around the beach looking for seashells and making sandcastles. Google followed you around like a lost puppy all day with a bucket full of seashells and sand in the other. As long as you enjoyed yourself he was happy.


Host wasn't a big fan of the beach, but after days and days of begging he finally agreed to go, as long as you stayed close to him. When you got there Host stayed on the sand, reading to himself as you played in the water, until you dragged him out with you.

He shivers at the cold water, saying on how could you even stand this. You just shrugged it off as you splash water on him, making him hiss from the cold. "Host says it's cold!" He gasped, covering himself to try and warm up.


Wilford loves the beach, he loves you, the sand, but. He does hate the cold water. "Why can't the water be warmer?" He whined as you dragged him out to the water. His chest getting wet now as he shivered and crossed his arms over his chest. Making you laugh and splash him with it.

"(Y/n)! You traitor!" He yelled, splashing you back as you squeaked. He suddenly grabbed you, making your legs go around his waist as he dunks you into the water. "Take this!" He yelled. But yelped when you dragged him down with him. At the end of the day, you both loved the beach even more.

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