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Maya giggled as she landed in Taehyung's arms once again.

The smaller twin had been jumping off the couch cushions into the older boy's arms for probably a good twenty minutes.

She wouldn't let him go hang out with Charlie because she wanted to play with him. And who was Tae to deny the cutie play time?

"TaeTae Oppa," Maya said, pressing her hands to Tae's cheeks like her Momma always did to her Daddy.

"Yes, Miss Priss?"

"I'm gonna marry you when I'm grown up."

The eighteen year old chuckled, "Aw, I'm sorry, girlie. But, I'm marrying Charlie after he graduates."

"No!" Maya whined. "I wanna marry you!"

Tae laughed and sat down with the ten year old in his lap. "Tell you what. I'll let you be the flower girl at me and Charlie Brown's wedding. How's that?"



"I wanna marry you, TaeTae Oppa!" She pouted, wrapping her arms around the other's neck.

"Well," he sighed, "I guess I'll just get some other, less pretty, little girl to wear a pretty dress and spread petals for me."

"Petals?" Maya scrunched up her face.

"Yeah," Tae nodded. "Flower petals."

"Pretty ones?"


"Pink ones?"

"Are you gonna be my flower girl?"


"Then the petals will be pink."


Charlie sighed as he stared at his reflection.

He had a huge pimple. It was disgusting and Tae would probably be disgusted.

Joyoung was sat on the toilet seat, playing with Charlie's tablet. He looked up when he felt his brother's eyes on him.

"I feel for you when you hit puberty," Charlie sighed and picked up his momma's makeup that he'd snatched.

It was this powder stuff that his momma said he used to cover his eye bags or dark spots or something.

He spread some of it over his chin and smiled when it looked more pink than red. "I think this will work Joyoungie."


Charlie passed Joyoung to Taehyung once he came downstairs. The alpha started to 'attack' the kid, drawing giggles from him before he sat him down.

Joyoung ran over to Maya and tackled her. She screamed and pushed him away, complaining that he messed up her hair.

Joyoung sighed, "You're no fun."

She huffed and went back to playing dress up.

Charlie sighed and turned back to his boyfriend.

Tae grinned, pulling Charlie to his chest, "I'm so glad you have siblings."

"Hah," Charlie grumbled, "Take em."

"Can I?"

"I'd let you, but Momma would kill me."

Tae nodded then pecked his younger boyfriend's lips. "Well, since I can't have your brother and sister, maybe I could just take you instead?"

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