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Joyoung moped around the house for a few days after Bujo passed, but it wasn't long before he was voluntarily going on dates with a pretty, brunette, beta girl.

Her name was Soomin. She was soft spoken and shy, so she rarely ever stayed for dinner or anything. But, Jimin thought she was perfect for Joyoung. He didn't really like talking and was more fond of going out instead of being home.

With Soomin, he went to the movies a lot and thought of Bujo's passing less.

Jungkook seemed to like her alright. He didn't like that yet another of his babies was being stolen from right under his nose- but Soomin made Joyoung smile- so he trusted her.

The head alpha was surprisingly the one to call Soomin's parents and invite their family to dinner. This was only after Joyoung told him he didn't have any intentions of breaking up with her any time soon.

The night Soomin's family arrived, Jimin greeted them at the door- cheerfully. He jumped almost a foot high then pulled the shy beta girl into a hug. "How are you, sweetie? I haven't seen you in, like, two weeks!"

Soomin smiled, her cheeks flaming as she tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Oh my gosh! You cut your hair! It looks wonderful!" Jimin complimented, pulling her mother into a hug. He shook Soomin's father's hand then lead them all to the sofas.

Joyoung came down while they were all talking about their favorite kinds of cars. Soomin couldn't keep her eyes off him.

He was wearing a dress shirt, which wasn't normal for him. But it was his usual black attire and he had his favorite black jeans on. Once Joyoung sat down next to her, Soomin leaned in to study his face.

He had eyeliner on...and it looked almost perfect! "Who did that to your eyes?" She whispered.

He turned to her and smiled, "My sister."

"It looks nice." She nodded.

The two of them turned back to watch their parents talk.

After a short moment, Joyoung reached over and wrapped his hand around a few of her fingers. "I like your hair. I can see your face more."

Soomin dropped her head and blushed. "Thank you."


Dinner went smoothly, despite Maya's inability to gauge the right times for her to speak.

Joyoung managed to get Jimin to let Soomin go so she could leave. The beta laughed it off and pecked Joyoung's cheek. She'd started doing that recently and Jimin couldn't help but coo at them and tug on Jungkook's arm in happiness.

Once Soomin was out the door, Mark closed it and Joyoung let out a breath. "Night." He mumbled, then started up the stairs. He stopped, though, halfway up and leaned over the handrail. "Hey Dad?"

"Yeah?" Jungkook looked up to him.

"Can...we get another dog? Maybe a shelter dog?"

Jungkook looked to Jimin, who bit his lip. "We'll talk it over tonight." The head alpha nodded.

Joyoung smiled and nodded back then took off to his shared room.


"Momma," Charlie sat down next to Jimin on the sofa and held his hand. "Um, I need to tell you something."

"Ok, go ahead," Jimin smiled.

"Well," the oldest son started, his eyes dropping to the floor. "I am twenty-five now and...since Tae and I have been together so long...we're sure we wanna stay together. So...I've decided to move into a house with him."

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