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- y/n point of view -

I woke up to my alarm sounding and I knew what that meant. I had to get up and go to school. Or as I like to call it; hell. Ever since the summer 6 years ago i've been nothing but bullied by the biggest dickhead in school, yep you guessed it; Finn Wolfhard.

I sighed and got up and into the shower, letting the water hit my fresh bruises on my stomach. Oh no, if you're thinking these are from Finn, then you're wrong...These are from my step-dad, ever since my mom died a few months ago he had been taking her death out on me. He says i'm the reason for her death and that it should have been me that died from cancer and not her. He's not wrong there. Everyday I feel like i'd rather die than be around Finn Wolfhard.

I can't believe he used to be my friend...

I can't believe I ever trusted him...

But most of all i can't believe I could have killed him back at the river. Maybe we would still be friends now and he wouldn't be a total douche to everyone. I've known him since birth, in fact we were born on the same day, at a similar time and at the same hospital. My mom and his mom knew each other, they were roommates in college and both studied the same things. There's only one fault...

I never knew my real dad...

My mom would never tell me anything about him, I never knew his name or what he looked like or even if I have anything from him. I don't even know if he's still alive...

I got dressed into some jeans and an oversized hoodie to hide my body and the cuts I have all up my arm before grabbing my bag and an apple from the side, i was careful not to wake up my step-dad whom was asleep in his usual spot on his chair in the living room. As soon as i was out of the door, i waited at the bus stop for my bus. Finn never takes the bus anymore since his brother bought him a motorcycle, he always rides to school now. It means i don't have to face him at the bus stop or on the bus anymore so its a bonus.

Once it arrives, i take a seat at the back and just plug my headphones in so i didnt have to interact with anyone. The truth is, Finn was my only friend growing up and now that he is gone, I have no one. For the passed 6 years I've been on my own, both at home and at school. When my mom was around, she made things a little more bearable and she kept my step=dad under control...Now that she's gone, he's become abusive and has relapsed back into his drinking habits as well as a few other things...

When the bus arrived at school I headed straight to my locker keeping my head down so I wouldn't run into Finn. As soon as I got to my locker I lifted my head up to see the word "SLUT" gratified onto it with red spray paint.

"Wtf." I whispered under my breath. There could only be one person responsible for this. I turned around and noticed the one and only Finn Wolfhard leaned against his locker opposite mine, smirking.

"Hey slut." He spoke whilst still smirking. I rolled my eyes at him and opened my locker to get my books out. As soon as I got them out my locker slammed shut and Finn was now in front of me.
"Why aren't you appreciating my note?" He pouted "it took me so long to write." His signature smirk raised on his lips once again. I refused to respond to him so I just turned around to walk away but he grabbed my arm and made me drop my books on the floor.

"Oops." He mocked and then everyone's attention turned to look at me. I went to pick up my books but Finn placed his foot on them I couldn't.
"Get up slut. How about you tell everybody here how you lost your virginity huh?" He waved his hands around weirdly...The entire hallway was silent and I could feel my heartbeat racing...
"When you were 11..." he smirked again. It's not what you think...

"Or should I just tell them?" He mocked and I ran all the way to the bathroom and locked myself in a bathroom stall, I slid down the wall and tucked my knees in tight to my stomach as the tears began to fall down my face.

That's so insensitive of Finn...He knows what happened when I was 11...He knows that I lost my virginity because I was raped...

By my very own step-Dad might I add...

Finn knows this...How could he?

Authors note: y'all know I love Finn to pieces and is Tom think of him this way I just wanted to make an interesting story. Also I'm publishing this 15 June but it has not been proof read by my friend yet so it might have a lot of mistakes but she's going to proof read it when she can I just got too excited and wanted to share it.

Bullied by Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now