Twenty Five

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I walked inside to see the ruins of the place I once called home.

I don't know why I ended up here but my subconscious wanted me to find closure. Why was my step-Dad arrested and why was the house set on fire moments after? What were the police and my step-Dad hiding from me?

I started to look around. A lot of the walls were still in tact but all of the furniture and possessions were burnt into dust or chard from the fire. How did the fire happen?

I picked up a lot of books that were chard and black from the fire. They were all my step-dad's books but I'd never seen him pick up or read any books since he's lived here.

My mom worked hard to get this house for us, since she was a single mom, bringing me up by herself. Well, before she let that asshole Adam into our lives...

I wasn't quite sure what I was searching for but I continued to search the room. Taking in the dark and lonely surroundings around me.

I can't believe I wasn't living here anymore.

I can't believe my step-Dad got arrested.

I think I spent the entire school day sat in the remains of my house. I didn't want to face Finn anymore, I don't know why he's being an asshole again.

I stared around one more time at the remains of my house before I spotted a box that hadn't been destroyed by the fire and got curious.

"To my loving daughter y/n." I read out loud after I picked up the small package. I was about to open up the package when my phone started vibrating and beeping in my pocket.

Oh shit! I was going to be late to the talent show.

I placed the package in my bag and virtually ran across the street and back up to the school. I was suppose to do the talent show with Ayla but I doubt she wanted to see me right now.

But I had another plan. I knew she wouldn't do it with me and I knew she was still pissed off with me but I needed her to forgive me and understand that Finn made me do everything I did and set me up this entire time.

She had to forgive me. She was the only friend I ever had and the only person I needed right now since she knew Finn better than anyone else.

Bullied by Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now