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As I made my way out of the school building a hand covered my mouth so I couldn't scream and then I was dragged away by my arm. I couldn't see who had grabbed me though because they were behind me. I tried to remove their hand from around my mouth but my struggling attempts had failed.

I was pushed against the wall of the school building. It was down the side where no one could see me. I had my eyes closed to ease the impact of the pain that just shot through my body. I slowly opened them to see the one and only demon Finn Wolfhard standing in front of me with his hand over my mouth. I really wanted to scream but I couldn't do anything, I just froze like I was paralyzed. My heart was pounding at a thousand miles per hour and I didn't know what I could do. I tried to escape but he grabbed my hands with his free one and crushed my wrists.

"Don't try and resist sweetheart or you will get hurt." He devilishly smiles towards me. Was this the end for me? Was he about to kill me?

My chest moved up and down like crazy and I felt like I was about to have a panic attack.

"Do you know how much I suffered from jumping off that cliff?" He whispered in my ear but I still couldn't speak.
"A fucking lot y/n." He spoke through gritted teeth. This dude needs to learn to move on.
"You're lucky I haven't put a gun to your head yet." His sentence made me freak out even more as his grip around my wrists tightened. I could feel my heart pumping at the speed of light and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack at any moment...

I closed my eyes tight as he moved his head so his lips were close to mine.

"That psycho bitch Ayla has got to go. She's a bad influence on you." I could feel his breath on my flesh. Tears were threatening to escape out of my eyes again.
"We're going to make her leave." Um excuse me? We?
"We're going to kidnap her boyfriend Jack who's in LA so get packing sunshine." He spoke and I opened my eyes at that point as I thought he had moved his head away form mine and he had. His facial expression was cold and dangerous and it made me feel sick to my stomach.
"You scream when I remove my hand and I will break your neck here and now do you understand?" All I did was nod at the psychopath stood right in front of me. He removed his hand from my mouth and all I could do was cry and bite my lip. I was so fucking terrified of Finn right now, I had never seen him this way.

"Why me?" Was all I managed to whisper.

"Because I like seeing you suffer. Did you expect me to go off to LA and leave you here thinking you were free form me for a day or two?" He smirked at me again.

"It was 6 years ago." I regretted my spoke. He grabbed my wrists with both of his hands now and crushed them until I groaned out in pain.

"Don't speak to me like you didn't ruin my fucking life you bitch. Because of you I lost my band and my potential career, I lost my ex Ayla and I almost lost my fucking life. Don't play victim here." He spoke through gritted teeth as he hit close to my face again, I squeezed my eyes tightly shut again and all I wanted to do was scream and cry...
"Now I'm going to walk you home and you're going to pack your suitcase and we're going to go to the airport and you're not going to tell anyone or I'll shoot both of your parents.." he threatened...Did he really not know that my mom died?

He pulled me by my arm as he started walking me home. I don't get why we had to walk because we both lived really far away from the school.

We finally reached my house and I really didn't want to go in cause of my dad.

"Go. Straight in and straight out." He pushed me towards my door and I could already hear my dad was in a bad mood.
"Why aren't you going in?" Finn impatiently asked me. I stepped away from the door and turned to him.

"Because Finn. My step-dad's a drunkard that abuses me every day. If you want to go in and pack my suitcase for me then be my guest." I crossed my arms, wondering where this new found confidence came from.

"You deserve it." Finn walked up and opened my door before pushing me in and closing it again. What a prick...

Thought I'd finally show you a darker side to Finn since y'all have been waiting for so long. He's been doing petty insults and now it's getting serious so get ready ;) - author

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