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"Which dress should I wear?" I ask Ashley, my younger sister.

"What for .. a party?" Ashley asks.

"No my date with Ash. He just got his 4th new Mustang and he said he was taking me to a resteraunt." I say looking at a green dress that stops at the knee.

"Ooooo What resteraunt!" She asks jumping up and down.

I don't know why she is so excited, I am not bring leftovers home to her.

"I just asked what dress I should wear, not what you want me to bring for you!" I say and she leaves out.

She is such a wimp. No you are a wimp. (that was my thoughts battling each other.) I decided to ignore my good thoughts cause they show the real me so I act stuck up.

I grab the sparkly dress with a white belt and bow to put on. Then Ashton walks in. Sometimes I wonder what I see in him, other than the money I will inherit once I marry him.

"Hey babe!" he says then kisses my cheek.

"Um who gave you permission to kiss my cheek?" I ask and he apologizes.

"Are you ready to go yet?" he asked.

"Yea when I put on the dress. And we better go somewhere I like." I say then go in the bathroom.

I put on the dress and I look in the mirror to check my makeup. I then look in my full-length mirror and I smooth out my dress. My eyes scan my body and I stop at my wrist, where the scar is.


This is not the first chapter. This is just showing how she acts. BTW she has brown long curly hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. She has one sister (Ashley) who is 12. Mackenzie Light (17) is her name and she took all her family's money so they are broke and she is rich. So this is just telling about her and next is chapter 1. Also Mackenzie is played by Ariana Grande if you ask. . Enjoy.

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