Chapter 3: Couple's Scoop

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I park my car on the side of the road and locked it. I never knew he lived here. It is like the seven-dwarfs cottage. In the woods but I guess he is too down to earth. When I marry him, we will mainly live in a yacht.

Wait, marry him? I don't even like him. He is ugly and ratchet with crooked buttery teeth ..that melt my heart. I slap my forehead. I really need to stop before he thinks I'm mental. But why should I care what he thinks, even though I try very hard to meet his standards.

I knock on the door and Zayn's mom opens the door. She has a pot in her hand stirring it on her hip. She has on two aprons and has a bandana on her head. She has the shoulder length brown hair and eyes as Zayn. I guess he took all her features. I realize I am standing there with a weird look on my face, her snapping her fingers to break my thoughts.

''I know I still got the looks babe but I stopped attracting the boys years ago!" she say and I laugh. Cocky and confident just like Zayn. I'm beginning to think Zayn didn't have a dad.

"Oh sorry. I was coming to see Zayn and I just saw how much you two resembled. I didn't mean to stare!" I say.

"Oh good cause I thought we were having a stare competition. ....on our whole bodies. No sorry I meant that like.." she rambled on. Just like Zayn. Speaking of him, he tapped her on the shoulder and she stopped rambling.

"Mom, I cold hear you from the attic! Attracting boys really?!" Zayn said blushing.

"Yea they would drool and," she said and Zayn plugged up his ears," BTW I am Alice. But by the way Zayn is staring your face down, you should call me mom!"

Zayn blushed harder and grabbed my hand. He led me to the car and he drove down the road.

"I love your mom. She tries very hard to hide her true self!" I say looking at Zayn.

Zayn raises his eyebrow at me and I realize what I said." What do you mean hide her true self?."

"Like she doesn't act old?" I say trying to cover up what I said.

He nodded and kept driving. After a couple minutes, we pulled up to this park. Only a couple of people were here so it was quiet. We got out and saw an ice-cream stand with picnic tables spread out all around the park.

"What flavor do you like?" Zayn asked me taking out his wallet.

"Doesn't matter. You get the ice-cream, and I will go find a table." I say and he nods.

I decide on this table near a shaded tree. Zayn comes up with the ice-cream behind his back.

"Hope you like my chose!" he says and places in front of me a huge bowl of multiple ice-cream. He spins the bowl and on the tabs say: Couple's Scoop

He pulls out one spoon and I raise my brow. He laughs and says" Don't worry babe I got another spoon. You should have saw your face!" he says handing me my spoon. I shake my head and he brings up my fear.

"So what was that text about?"He asks and I stuff ice-cream down my throat.

"My mom sent it cause she really wants me to hook up with you......... But I have a question." I says swallowing. He nods. Yes he believed the lie. I would die if he didn't believe it.

"Why were you in the attic?" I ask and he ignores me.

"Look over there! A creak!" he says sprinting.

While he is running something falls out his pocket. I pick it up and put it in my pocket. It may be important to him. When I make it to the creak, he is swaying his feet in the water. I join him and we have a small water fight, over who's hair is the best. Obviously he won but whatever.

Just as we were about to leave he reached in his pocket and then freaked out.

"What's wrong? Did you drop something?" I ask and help him search.

"Maybe it probably fell!" he says.

I realize what he means and I take out the box. His cheeks flash red from embarrassment as he mumbles a thanks. He opens it and it is a gold necklace.

"It was my grandmothers. She said give it to someone important. That is why I was in the attic, I lost it and I found it."he says and fixes the necklace on my neck.

How embarrassing is that, to drop your gift and the person it was meant for found it. Well that is Zayn for you.

He drives me back home and kisses my cheek as I exit the car. When I make it upstairs in my room I find this note on my bed.

Hey there. I hope you had a great night with ZAYN, cause just like how I made Ash annoyed with you, so I will do it to Zayn. And remember no one can be trusted, just like Ash.


"Who the heck is B?" I ask myself, as I hear shuffling behind the door.

I open it and it is.....


Hey so I love you. Thanks for staying and read, Comment please. NO SILENT READER. And very soon contest coming up so prepare your stories for a book contest but anyways. Love you<3

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