Chapter 1: Meeting you

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"Hey Mack, are you ready?!?" Ash yells pounding on the door.

I didn't know I have been standing here just staring. Ash started pounding again so I hit the door and he stopped. I smooth out my dress and opened the door. Ash was leaning against the wall waiting.

"Mack I thought you got kidnapped in your bathroom, you were gone for so long. Why did you lock the door?" He asked once he saw me walk out.

"And why are you acting like I left you. Plus I locked the door cause I was putting on my dress, dummy." I say with pure sass.

He rolls his eyes and leaves downstairs. I grab my phone check my twitter. I look over my recent and I see the most awesome thing ever. Cody Simpson followed me.

I tweet my Bff ,Layla, saying:

To Lala:

Guess watz, Cody Simpson followed me! That's Gr8t!!

After a couple of minutes she replied.

From Lala:

Coming NOW!

I chuckled. It's nice to have a friend that totally gets you. Now I know you are thinking, I have a friend. Well yes I do and she is a real friend. We have been before I became popular. A true friend. I love her so much.

I went downstairs to talk to Ash. He is sitting on the couch.

"Ash, can you wait for awhile cause my friend Layla is coming over and we have to talk."I say and right as I turn around, I hear him sigh.

"Look Mack.. Mackenzie I have been thinking and I don't think we fit. You always treat me as a stranger. I mean just before, I kissed you and you have an attitude and I mean I am your boyfriend. Beside I like fun, happy, NICE girls. So bye Mackenzie." He yelled out and left.

When he opened the door of his car I saw another girl. Bailey, the girl that has had her eyes on Ashton since we started dating. I knew this would happen. I rolled my eyes and slammed the front door.

"Hey I still exist?!" Layla yelled from the other side of the door. I had slammed the door in her face. I laughed but then opened the door.

"That is not funny" Layla said pouting.

"Oh don't worry Jelly-Baby. Your my love, my ONE and only!" I say hugging her.

"Ash broke up with you?" she says even though she knows. She must have saw Ash leave with Bailey.

I nodded and it all falls on me. I realize that all of Ash's money won't be mine and I start crying. Layla rubs my back since we are still hugging.

"It's OK Mack! He is not good for you." She cooes in my ear.

"He is no good but.... HIS MONEY IS!" I bawl out.

Lalya shake her head and hands me a tissue. Then she points to my phone on the bed and I show her the follow. Layla looks at it and busts out laughing.

"Jelly-Baby it's not funny. He really did follow me." I say.

"Sorry babe but this is a fan with Cody's username and hacked follows. I mean why would Cody have this description?" she says then laughs again.

I grab my phone and I look at the description.

@CodySimpson: I love Finland. Soccer. And collecting pennies. I am the real Cody Simpson.

I burst out laughing at the realization. Hilarious. I laughed so much, my stomach started hurting, I guess I am hungry.

"Want to get Starbuck?" I ask and she nods.

We run out the door and hopped in the car. I started it but it didn't stay on. It cut off and we looked at each other worried.

" Lala! If my mom sees this, I will get in trouble."I say unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Can't we just walk, I'm hungry?" she says rubbing her stomach.

" NO! ......Sorry but I am just really nervous." I say and we get out the car.

We start walking looking at different windows that we would have missed if we were driving. After a couple minutes of walking, we got to Starbucks. It was about 2 people in line so we waited. When it was our turn, Layla got a Carmel and chocolate latte with extra cream. I just got a vanilla latte. We decided to sit down and talk while we waited.

"So Lalya, are you going out of the country later this year." I asked.

She nodded." Yea! I can't wait to leave this horrible England!" she says and giggles,"Just kidding but yea I'm coming back. I'm just visiting my grandma in America." she says then they call our name.

We go get our lattes' and head out the door. We walked for a bit then I realized something. My phone is not in my pocket. I start freaking out.

"Layla layla lala WHERE IS MY PHONE?!?!???!" I yelled running and looking around in my purse and floor.

"Don't freak out! Maybe you left it at Starbucks?" she says and I darted to Starbucks but fail terribly when I fall flat on my face. Why did I wear heels? Lalya helps me up and we fast-walk to Starbucks. When I go in I walk to the register.

"Hello what can.." she say but I cut her off.

"Have you seen a cheetah IPhone 5" I ask getting to the point

"Rude much?" she say under her breath and I feel like strangling her.

"You mean this phone?" A boy asks.

I turn toward the voice and I see Zayn Malik.

I nod and I walk over to the table I was previously sitting at.

"How did you get my phone? Did you steal it?" I ask straightforward.

"Chill babe, I walked in waiting for the lads and I saw this phone so I waited till the owner came back."he says and hands me the phone.

"Thank you it was no random stranger!" I say and he laughs.

"So what's your name love?" he asked .

"Mackenzie!" I say .

"Umm I meant your friend?" he says and I felt embarrassed.

"Layla "She says. He nods.


I turn around and I see the rest of the boys. Zayn gets up and before he leaves he winks to me.

"That was colorful!" Layla says . I nod in agreement.

"Well I have to go home and try and fix the car!" I say to Layla and I go home.

When I get home, I try the car and it works. I sigh in relief and then walk to my room. I hop in the shower and once I have my clothes on, I grab my phone.

I enter the password and I see that I have a new message. I opened it and it is unknown. I read it and it says:

Unknown number: Hey babe. BTW it is Zayn.


Hey guys so like I said before the chapter will be long. And this is the longest chapter I have ever wrote, so feel lucky. Love you guys and continue reading.

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