five !

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I LOOKED AT MYSELF in the mirror one last time, contemplating on if this outfit was something I really want to wear.

I was wearing a black off the shoulders shirt tucked into black pants. I had a black zipper jacket over the shirt since it was pretty cold out.

My hair was up in a slick back ponytail. I wore in silver hoop earrings and had on nike airs as shoes.

Justin and Jess were the ones to pick me up for the party tonight. I'm now second guessing myself on coming to this party because of the last time I went to one.

I can't let that time stop me from having fun. I take in a deep breath and exhale slowly. I grab my phone off the charger and head outside as soon as I heard a honk outside.

I didn't forget to say bye to my parents who were somewhere in the house since they responded.

On the way to Bryce and Carolinas' place we spent it jamming out to music, laughing, and joking. That's great, it's always great to have friends that make you laugh.

I was already dreading the fact that I agreed with going. I should've just stuck to what I usually do when parties go on. Carolina usually stays at my house and we stay up all night watching movies and eating, like an average girl night if you ask me.

It was too late for me to ask to turn the car around and take me home. Yet, I could just call an uber. Then again, I can't chicken out now, not at all.

We pulled up into the Walkers' driveway and I got out the car releasing a breath I didn't realize I was even holding in.

It'll be fine Dillon, you've been to plenty of parties before. I didn't say that I haven't went to a party in my past fifteen almost sixteen years.

I step inside the house seeing that the party was a little hype at the moment. The later it gets the more hype it will be. I walk to the lounge area, knowing that's were everyone is going to be most likely and I was right.

I went to my best friend, knowing that she was the only one that I actually talked to. I didn't really talk to Bryce, Zach, Monty, etc. I just talked to Carolina, Alex, Justin, and Jess, maybe even Sheri.

I finally look over the group seeing who was around. I took notice to Marcus who was also with us and seeing that Justin and Jess was here. I did not see them walk over here either. In the group was Bryce, Monty, Marcus, Justin, Jess, Sheri, Carolina, me, and Scotty who was sitting across from my best friend.

"Looking good Atkins." I heard one of the guys say. I acknowledge it as Bryce. I gave him a smile since I didn't know what to respond to that. I don't talk to him whatsoever and I don't know who he is personally so I might as well be nice.

"Isn't it weird to see you up so close. Jeff always hid you away from us." Zach laughed lightly.

"Yeah and i'm starting to see why." I mumbled the last part to myself. I don't think that was funny at all. I mean call me extra but hey I didn't appreciate that.

"So let's play seven minutes in heaven?" Carolina asked winking at me. I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted with a bunch of yeses and whoo's.

"Wait I don't think your friend seems up for it." Monty looked at me.

"You know what? Just for that comment De La Cruz, I'm gonna play." I scoffed. "Okay since you asked C, you go first."

I looked over at Monty who seemed satisfied with my answer and then back to Carolina. I just hope Bryce doesn't kill whoever she gets. From what she says he would.

I thought it was meant to be when it was Month since the two of them have something going on anyways, including I had my fingers crossed it would be him for her. Don't ask why.

The two of them got up and started walking off to a room that wasn't far. I glance over at Carolinas brother Bryce who seemed to be a little tense when they left.

"Hey Bryce maybe you should calm down a little, yeah? I mean I know she's your sister but don't you think she should be aloud to do whatever she wants with guys if she wants to. Its all apart of a teenage life." I said. Did I say too much? I guess I'm just trying to help a friend out.

She shouldn't have to worry about it, about what would happen. At the same time though I can't say anything. I don't want to be that person.

"Not with my friends, they'd fuck her over." He exclaimed looking at me. At this point, the group was now quiet and listening to us converse.

"I have a feeling that's why Jeff didn't want me around you guys, especially you, so maybe you don't have room to talk. Just saying." I looked down at my hands. Maybe I should shut up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He sat up in his chair paying more attention to me.

"I mean that since my brother had always said you were more trouble than the rest of you guys. Therefore, I'm saying that C deserves to talk to one of them if she wanted to since they can't be as bad as you. Also, if she knows that they wouldn't hurt her." I shrugged.

"Look Dillon maybe you should just be quiet, yeah?" Justin said. I looked at him.

"I was just giving my opinion since no one else will." I said in a bored tone.

"Are you sure you want to do that with me?" Bryce asked.

I stood up from where I was sitting and walked over to him. I bent down some and whispered, "Look you don't scare me okay. I don't know you and J don't know what you're capable of, but that's why i'm not scared of you like the rest of these people. Got it." I patted his face and sat back down. I heard a few gasps around me.

Then someone spoke up.

"Why the hell are you guys so quiet?"

"And why are you all staring at Dillon and Bryce."

Everyone turns their heads to look at the two that just came out the room. Has it already been seven minutes.


okay so sorry that there is no scott and dillon going on in this chapter. i just really felt like writing that and idk why lofl.

but there will be a moment in the next chapter but not dealing with 7 minutes in heaven.

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