eleven !

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I CHECKED MYSELF IN the mirror seeing if my choice was nice. My hair was just down as it usually is, nothing special. I had on a red tube top and a light washed denim jacket. For bottoms I had on black jeans with cuts at the knees. I had on a few accessories and wore black velvet shoes.

Carolina came with me when I went home to get changed into something nice for tonight. I didn't forget to get onto her for agreeing to the party.

Of course, it didn't faze her since that conversation we had yesterday. Either ways here I was stuck having to go to a party.

Was I forced?

Not really.

But was asked and pleaded to go afterwards?


I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but hey do I get my say?


The both of us headed black to her place and got our makeup done for the events taking place in an hour.

As soon as that was finished we just sat about her room until it was time to go downstairs.

I would most likely spend my time sitting down on my phone. I kind of felt like not talking to anyone tonight, specifically someone. Not like he's been trying to talk to me or anything. I still don't want to take any chances.

I was right.

Once the party had started and people started coming in I sat my ass right down on the sofa to myself going through my phone.

Tonight I wasn't going to drink any alcohol, hopefully.

Carolina had dipped as soon as I told her I wasn't going anywhere no matter how much she told me to get my ass up.

There was only one rule once she said she was going to leave me alone. Don't go back upstairs and lock myself in a room.

Now just sitting there doing really nothing seems not to be fun. Not that it even was. I couldn't help but think maybe Carolina was right and just act like it never happened. Move on with myself. It wasn't even a big deal, it never was a big deal. It was just a kiss.

I got up from my spot on the couch and went to the area everyone else was at. I was not about to be a bum at this party, not anymore.

As soon as I sat down next to someone the group looked at me in shock. I didn't forget to give Scott a look before talking.

"So what are we doing?" I asked keeping my eyes on the boy.

"Truth or strip." Scotty spoke not breaking eye contact.

I think Carolina started to notice the small tension building up between the two of us since she elbowed me in the side.

"Okay, that's cool. Who's first?" I asked looking around.

"Uh, I'll start." Zach said.

A few rounds were played and some had actually stripped out an article of clothing.

"Last time you had sex?" Marcus asked Carolina.

Carolina took a small glance in the direction of Monty before looking at Marcus. Everyone was waiting for an answer. She smirked as she put her index finger on her lips. She took a few seconds as she revealed her bra.

We went in an order of people. When Zach started it went clockwise from where he was. After Marcus was Jess who sat beside Justin.

"Dillon." Jess said my name. I hummed in response waiting for her to ask.

"Last kiss."

I could feel Scott's eyes at me. I took a look at him before I took off my jacket. Yeah, it was just a kiss and all but that's my business.

"Oh come on Dill, it's just a kiss." Zach laughed out.

"I know but..." I paused.

"But what?" Bryce asked seeming interested.

"I don't kiss and tell." I shrugged.

The game went on a couple more rounds before we all got bored of the game since we were running out of ideas.

"I'll be back." I said, noticing that I ran out of my drink.

Carolina nods her head before turning her attention to whoever was talking.

I got up from my spot and walked to the kitchen.

"Can we talk?"

I turn around to see someone who I actually didn't feel like talking to. Yet, I knew that I had to grow a pair of balls and do it anyways. I shouldn't be making a big deal about a kiss, but I'm just not in the mood for any of that.

I don't want to get into anything at the moment and I probably won't for a while. It just doesn't feel right doing anything, getting into a relationship without him. I jut need my time after all I'm still coping on what tears me up.


"You know..." Scott moved next to me leaning on the counter.

Just act like you don't know played on my mind, but maybe I shouldn't. It doesn't make anything better.

I did the expected, "I don't know."

"The kiss."

"There's nothing to talk about, Scotty. It was just a kiss." I shrugged as I took a sip to my newly filled cup.

"Oh. I jut felt like something was up." He replied. His voice was laced with a little disappointment, I think. Its probably just the alcohol.

"Nothing is."

Silence fell upon us. It was kind of an awkward silence and it felt weird. We kind of jut stood there until Scott finally moved from his position to walk away.

"Scott." I grabbed his wrist lightly.

Slowly he turned to me, "Yeah?"

"It wasn't you. I wasn't avoiding you."

Confusion was written all over his face, not understanding any of it. Yes, it looked as if I was avoiding him, but in all honestly I wasn't.

"I, um, I wasn't. I was more avoiding the fact of how I could start feeling. I'm jus not ready, you know?" I said, hoping he would get where I was coming from.

"I get it." A small smile surfaced on his lips.

"Okay, cool."

sorry for not updating in like 7 years. my phone broke last week and im like not in the mood to write bc it did and it broke my heart.

i also hate when my friends text me on snap now bc they send emojis that this tablet doesn't have and i can't see them it's just a stupid box. and I use like 5 emojis on my iphone and this tablet doesn't have them so when I text people and I want to use them it's like oop played urself.

anywhore, have a nice day.

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